Extends Verify to allow verification of Avalonia UIs.
The test project needs a ModuleInitializer
and an Avalonia application with a Style
[assembly: AvaloniaTestApplication(typeof(VerifyAvaloniaSetupApplication))]
public class VerifyAvaloniaSetupApplication : Application
public static void Init()
public static AppBuilder BuildAvaloniaApp() =>
UseHeadlessDrawing = false
public VerifyAvaloniaSetupApplication() =>
Styles.Add(new FluentTheme());
And add the following NuGet packages:
- https://nuget.org/packages/Verify.Avalonia/
- https://nuget.org/packages/Avalonia.Headless.XUnit/
- https://nuget.org/packages/Avalonia.Themes.Fluent/
- https://nuget.org/packages/Avalonia.Skia/
See Milestones for release notes.
Currently only supported in XUnit since AvaloniaTestAttribute results in incorrect TestContext.Test.MethodName in NUnit
Leverages Avalonia Headless Testing.
See Headless Testing with XUnit and Headless Testing with NUnit for more information.
public static void Init()
This sample uses Verify.ImageMagick to ignore small rendering differences that are expected between different operating systems.
Other comparers options:
- https://github.com/VerifyTests/Verify.ImageHash
- https://github.com/VerifyTests/Verify.ImageMagick
- https://github.com/VerifyTests/Verify.Phash
- https://github.com/VerifyTests/Verify.ImageSharp.Compare
Many Avalonia projects use CommunityToolkit.Mvvm. To ensure proper serialization of MVVM commands, use Verify.CommunityToolkit.Mvvm.
Ensure tests projects have InternalsVisibleTo configured in the target app so tests can use generated controls by name.
<InternalsVisibleTo Include="NUnitTests" />
<InternalsVisibleTo Include="XUnitTests" />
The [AvaloniaTestApplication]
attribute wires the tests in the current project with the specific application. It needs to be defined once per project in any file. Verify.Avalonia requires that UseHeadlessDrawing
is disabled and .UseSkia()
is set.
[assembly: AvaloniaTestApplication(typeof(TestAppBuilder))]
public static class TestAppBuilder
public static AppBuilder BuildAvaloniaApp() =>
UseHeadlessDrawing = false
[SuppressMessage("Performance", "CA1822:Mark members as static")]
public class CalculatorTests
public Task Should_Add_Numbers()
var window = new MainWindow
DataContext = new MainWindowViewModel()
// Set values to the input boxes
window.FirstOperandInput.Text = "10";
window.SecondOperandInput.Text = "20";
// Raise click event on the button:
window.KeyPressQwerty(PhysicalKey.Enter, RawInputModifiers.None);
Assert.Equal("30", window.ResultBox.Text);
return Verify(window);
Type: MainWindow,
SizeToContent: WidthAndHeight,
Title: Simple Calculator,
CanResize: false,
Content: {
Type: StackPanel,
Spacing: 10.0,
Width: 280.0,
Height: 175.0,
Margin: 10,
HorizontalAlignment: Left,
Children: [
Type: TextBox,
Text: 10,
Watermark: Operand 1,
Name: FirstOperandInput
Type: TextBox,
Text: 20,
Watermark: Operand 2,
Name: SecondOperandInput
Type: UniformGrid,
Columns: 4,
Children: [
Type: Button,
Command: MainWindowViewModel.Add(),
Content: +,
Name: AddButton
Type: Button,
Command: MainWindowViewModel.Subtract(),
Content: -,
Name: SubtractButton
Type: Button,
Command: MainWindowViewModel.Multiply(),
Content: *,
Name: MultiplyButton
Type: Button,
Command: MainWindowViewModel.Divide(),
Content: /,
Name: DivideButton
Type: StackPanel,
Spacing: 10.0,
Orientation: Horizontal,
Children: [
Type: TextBlock,
Text: Result:
Type: TextBlock,
Text: 30,
Name: ResultBox
Background: LightGray,
Width: 300.0,
Height: 195.0,
IsVisible: true,
DataContext: {
FirstOperand: 10.0,
SecondOperand: 20.0,
Result: 30,
AddCommand: MainWindowViewModel.Add(),
SubtractCommand: MainWindowViewModel.Subtract(),
MultiplyCommand: MainWindowViewModel.Multiply(),
DivideCommand: MainWindowViewModel.Divide()