This Cartoomics repository consists of a workflow written in python that can generate an interaction network using a given knowledge graph from a automated or user derived description of a cartoon image. The goal of this workflow is to generate complete and detailed pathway diagrams using the vast information contained within a knowledge graph.
These instructions will provide the necessary environments, programs with installation instructions, and input files in order to run the script, which will run this workflow from end to end.
The path search algorithms available are:
- Shortest Path Search: find the shortest path between each source and target node. A random path is chosen from paths of identical length, regardless if graph is weighted or unweighted. Thus, shortest path may not be identical each time.
- Cosine similarity Prioritization: prioritize all shortest paths between each source and target node by maximizing total cosine similarity of the start and all intermediate nodes to the target node in each path
- Path Degree Product Prioritization: prioritize all shortest paths between each source and target node by maximizing path degree product of all nodes in each path
- Edge Exclusion: remove specific semantic edge types from the paths for prioritization
The program will output a subgraph generated using both the Cosine Similarity and Path-Degree Product algorithms.
The following dependencies are listed in the environment.yml file, and installed in the installation step. This software has only been tested on Unix based OS systems, not Windows.
git clone
First install mamba, which will be used to create the environment. To create an environment with all dependencies and activate the environment, run the following commands:
conda install mamba
mamba env create -f environment.yml
conda activate Cartoomics
Ensure that Cytoscape (any version later than 3.8.0) is up and running before continuing.
The following files must exist in the input directory, in a folder named as is specified for the --knowledge-graph option:
To access the v3 PheKnowLator knowledge graph, visit the GCS bucket:
To access the kg-covid19 knowledge graph, visit the kg-covid19 Knowledge Graph Hub for the current tar.gz file (kg-covid-19.tar.gz):
Add the necessary files for the knowledge graph (Triples file and Labels file) to a directory that also contains all files in the Input_Files folder of this repository, and specify this as your input directory.
The following values will be used if not otherwise specified:
- embedding dimensions: embeddings of the knowledge graph will be generated using node2vec of dimension 128, unless otherwise specified --embedding-dimensions (Default 128)
- weights: edges will not be weighted unless otherwise specified. When set to True, edges defined in an interactive search will be excluded from the path search. --weights True (Default False)
- search type: the shortest path algorithm used (contained within the python-igraph package) will search for paths in all directions, unless otherwise specified --search-type one (Default "all")
Below is an example of running this with the PheKnowLator knowledge graph. To specify the kg-covid19 knowledge graph, update the following command:
--knowledge-graph kg-covid19
Two different input edgelist types are supported:
- annotated_diagram: This is user derived, based on a cartoon image, or automatically generated from a Wikipathways diagram (described in more detail below)
- pathway_ocr: This is a automatically derived list of entities from within a Wikipathways diagram based on the Pathway Diagram Optical Character Recognition method (cite). When specified, a PFOCR url must be input either at execution time or later, if forgotten.
Below is an example of running with an annotated diagram. To specify the pathway_ocr input type, update the following command:
--input-type pathway_ocr --pfocr-url <url>
To run the script, execute the following command once the input directory is prepared:
python --input-dir INPUTDIR --output-dir OUTPUTDIR --knowledge-graph pkl --input-type annotated_diagram
Note that the output-dir should be in quotes
To run the evaluation script, execute the following command once the subgraph generation script is run:
python --input-dir INPUTDIR --output-dir OUTPUTDIR --knowledge-graph pkl
The script will always generate the following files:
A .csv file which shows all source and target nodes found in the path search that include the original example cartoon (Input file above) and any intermediate nodes found in the path search.
insulin receptor (human)|subClassOf|insulin receptor
insulin receptor (human)|participates_in|Insulin receptor signalling cascade
A .noa file which specifies which input nodes are from the original example cartoon (Input file above) and which were intermediate nodes found in the path search.
insulin receptor (human)|Extra
insulin receptor|Mechanism
A .png file generated in cytoscape with all nodes found in the path search, colored by original nodes and intermediate nodes.
The script will also generate the following intermediate files:
- PheKnowLator_v3.0.2_full_instance_relationsOnly_OWLNETS_Triples_Integer_Identifier_Map
- PheKnowLator_v3.0.2_full_instance_relationsOnly_OWLNETS_Triples_Integers_node2vecInput
- PheKnowLator_v3.0.2_full_instance_relationsOnly_OWLNETS_Triples_node2vecInput_cleaned
- PheKnowLator_v3_node2vec_Embeddings.emb (where is the # dimensions specified)
Note if the above files already exist in the output directory when running the script, the embeddings will not be re-generated.
The script will always generate the following files:
A .csv file with the number of nodes in each subgraph generated by algorithm (cs: Cosine Similarity, pdp: Path-Degree Product, and/or either with Edge Exclusion- ee_cs or ee_pdp).
A .csv file with the path length of each pair that exists in each subgraph generated by algorithm (cs: Cosine Similarity, pdp: Path-Degree Product, and/or either with Edge Exclusion- ee_cs or ee_pdp).
A .csv file with the number of intermediate nodes between each specified pair that belong to ontologies (normalized). Defined for each subgraph generated by algorithm (cs: Cosine Similarity, pdp: Path-Degree Product, and/or either with Edge Exclusion- ee_cs or ee_pdp).
Path List (separate file for each algorithm (cs: Cosine Similarity, pdp: Path-Degree Product, and/or either with Edge Exclusion- ee_cs or ee_pdp)
A .csv file with the resulting calculation from each algorithm for each path from all-shortest paths. This value is used to rank each path and prioritize in the ranked_comparison.csv.
A .csv file with the rank of all paths for each algorithm, calculated using the path lists (cs: Cosine Similarity, pdp: Path-Degree Product, and/or either with Edge Exclusion- ee_cs or ee_pdp).
The following details how to run the Cartoomics algorithm over a set of Wikipathways Diagrams in an automated fashion. This set of command line arguments will enable one to compare the output of pathway diagrams from Wikipathways to those generated with the cartoomics algorithms described above.
The wikipathway_converter script which will download a single or set of pathway diagram(s) specified in a text file or via the command line to an edgelist. Next, the entites represented will be automatically indexed to nodes in the given KG. Indexing will be done using the Wikipathways diagram node metadata file, exact match to a node label, exact match to a node synonym, or partial match to the node label or synonyms.
The user can provide the following input types to specify the Wikipathways Diagrams to download and convert:
- Wikipathway ID(s): a list of one or more Wikipathways ids: e.g., '['WP5372']'
- PFOCR url(s): a list of one or more PFOCR urls, e.g. '['']'
- PFOCR_urls_file: a txt file containing one or more PFOCR urls. The PFOCR_urls_list.txt file can be used for this.
Below is an example of running this with the PheKnowLator knowledge graph. The annotated_diagram input type should always be used for this workflow.
python --knowledge-graph pkl --input-type annotated_diagram --pfocr-urls-file True
By default, if no nodes are found with the Wikipathways diagram node metadata file, exact match to a node label, or exact match to a node synonym, a partial match to the node label or synonyms will be used to index. When skipping is enabled, the node will be skipped and no triples with that node will be included in the subgraph. To enable skipping, udpate the following parameter:
python --wikipathway WIKIPATHWAY --input-type annotated_diagram --enable-skipping True
The script will always generate the following files:
The following files will exist per Wikipathay diagram in a subfolder named by the Wikipathways ID, e.g. /wikipathways_graphs/<WP_ID>
- WP4532_datanodeDF.csv: metadata file used to index nodes based on database, databaseID column
- WP4532_edgeList.csv: edgelist used for comparison to original Wikipathways diagram
- WP4532_graph.graphml: graphml file
- WP4532_interactDF.csv: image description
The following file will exist per Wikipathway diagram named by the Wikipathways ID, e.g., /wikipathways_graphs/annotated_diagram/<WP_ID>_example_input.csv
The following file will exist per Wikipathway diagram in a subfolder named by the Wikipathways ID, e.g. /wikipathways_graphs/<WP_ID>_output/annotated_diagram_Input_Nodes.csv
This script can be run per Wikipathways diagram. To run the script for a Wikipathways diagram, execute the following command once the input directory is prepared:
'python --input-dir ./wikipathways_graphs --output-dir ./wikipathways_graphs/<WP_ID>_output --knowledge-graph pkl --input-type annotated_diagram --input-substring <WP_ID>
Note that the output-dir should be in quotes
The outputs will be the same as stated above in subgraph generation, within the /<WP_ID>_output subfolder.
The wikipathways_graph_evaluations script will output graph similarity metrics and node/edge evaluation metrics. The script will calculate the following graph similarity metrics over the original edgelist and the subgraph created for all pathways specified:
- Jaccard Similarity
- Overlap Coefficient
- Graph Edit Distance
Additionally, the script will output the following node and edge metrics for all pathways specified:
- % of nodes in each ontology
- % of edge types
To run the wikipathways_graph_evaluations script, specify the wikipathway diagrams as a list e.g., '['WP5372']':
python --knowledge-graph pkl --input-type annotated_diagram --wikipathways WIKIPATHWAYS --enable-skipping True
Note that all subgraph files (described above) must be generated
All of the graph similarity files will be output in a graph_similarity subfolder within the wikipathways_graphs subfolder './wikipathways_graphs/graph_similarity'.
A .csv file with the Jaccard and Overlap metrics per Wikipathways diagram per algorithm.
A .png file of all Jaccard and Overlap scores per Wikipathways diagram per algorithm.
The wikipathways_literature_comparison_evaluations script will compare each subgraph specified to a given set of one or more guiding terms extracted from literature using cosine similarity. The intermediate nodes in all subgraphs of the specified algorithms will be compared to each term specified after indexing.
The following file must exist, where WP_ID corresponds to the wikipathway(s) specified:
To run the wikipathways_literature_comparison_evaluations script, specify the wikipathway diagrams as a list e.g., '['WP5372']':
python --knowledge-graph pkl --input-type annotated_diagram --wikipathways WIKIPATHWAYS --enable-skipping True
All of the literature comparison files will be output in a literature_comparison subfolder within the wikipathways_graphs subfolder './wikipathways_graphs/literature_comparison'.
Note that all subgraph files (described above in Wikipathways subgraph generation) will be generated
All of the literature comparison files will be output in a literature_comparison subfolder within the wikipathways_graphs subfolder './wikipathways_graphs/literature_comparison'.
A .csv file of the average Cosine Similarity scores per term, per subgraph, per algorithm specified will be output.
Alzheimer's disease,-0.05,CosineSimilarity,WP4565
Alzheimer's disease,-0.02,PDP,WP4565
├── Inputs
│ ├── annotated_diagram
│ │ └── _example_input.csv
│ ├── GuidingTerm.csv
│ ├── experimental_data
│ ├── kg-covid19
│ │ ├── merged-kg_Triples_Integer_Identifier_Map.tsv
│ │ ├── merged-kg_Triples_Integers_node2vecInput.tsv
│ │ ├── merged-kg_Triples_node2vecInput_cleaned.tsv
│ │ └── merged-kg_edges_node2vec_Embeddings128.emb
│ ├── pathway_ocr_diagram
│ │ ├── chemicals.tsv
│ │ ├── diseases.tsv
│ │ └── genes.tsv
│ └── pkl
│ ├── PheKnowLator_v3.0.2_full_instance_relationsOnly_OWLNETS_NodeLabels.txt
│ ├── PheKnowLator_v3.0.2_full_instance_relationsOnly_OWLNETS_Triples_Identifiers.txt
│ ├── PheKnowLator_v3.0.2_full_instance_relationsOnly_OWLNETS_Triples_Integer_Identifier_Map.txt
│ ├── PheKnowLator_v3.0.2_full_instance_relationsOnly_OWLNETS_Triples_Integers_node2vecInput.txt
│ ├── PheKnowLator_v3.0.2_full_instance_relationsOnly_OWLNETS_Triples_node2vecInput_cleaned.txt
│ └── PheKnowLator_v3_node2vec_Embeddings128.emb
└── Outputs
├── CosineSimilarity
│ ├── Subgraph.csv
│ ├── Subgraph_Visualization.png
│ └── Subgraph_attributes.noa
├── Evaluation_Files
│ ├── edge_type_comparison.csv
│ ├── intermediate_nodes_comparison.csv
│ ├── num_nodes_comparison.csv
│ ├── num_paths_CosineSimilarity.csv
│ ├── num_paths_PDP.csv
│ ├── path_length_comparison.csv
│ ├── paths_list_CosineSimilarity_0-9.csv
│ ├── paths_list_PDP_0-9.csv
│ └── ranked_comparison.csv
├── PDP
│ ├── Subgraph.csv
│ ├── Subgraph_Visualization.png
│ └── Subgraph_attributes.noa
├── Guiding_Term_<specified_term>
│ ├── Subgraph.csv
│ ├── Subgraph_Visualization.png
│ └── Subgraph_attributes.noa
├── _annotated_diagram_Input_Nodes_.csv
├── _guiding_term_Input_Nodes_.csv
├── experimental_data_Input_Nodes_.csv
└── pathway_ocr_Input_Nodes_.csv
Below is a class diagram describing the architecture of this workflow.