This GitHub repository is used for Klipper translations.
The main Klipper project is at
You can help translate the program at Hosted Weblate.
If you are a translator, create a pull request to update the with your language-specific community contact info before the translated documentation is merged into the main repository. The community contact serves as a way for getting feedback. Please make sure it's Klipper related and that it follows this format:
狀態:進行中(Last updated 2022-02-24)
状态:已上线(Last updated 2022-04-08)
- Klipper QQ群:301368478
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Status: In Bearbeitung(Last updated ???)
Status: Devam etmekte(Last updated ???)
Status: En curso(Last updated ???)
Documento de idioma español y Klipper
Status: Underveis (Last updated ???)
Status : En cours (Last updated ???)
Documentation française de Klipper
Status : 진행중 (Last updated ???)
Klipper is Free Software. See the license or read the documentation. We depend on the generous support from our sponsors.