Executes preprocessor directives, removes whitespaces, applies constant folding, mangle non exported functions and variable names. Used in "Island Not Found" https://github.com/SalvatorePreviti/js13k-2020 and "Dante" https://github.com/SalvatorePreviti/js13k-2022 (first place on JS13K 2022)
Package is precompiled at https://www.npmjs.com/package/spglsl
It includes a rollup plugin.
For an esbuild plugin, see https://github.com/rottencandy/esbuild-plugin-spglsl
npm i spglsl --save
import { spglslAngleCompile } from "spglsl";
async function compileFile() {
const result = await spglslAngleCompile({
mainFilePath: "myfile.frag",
mainSourceCode: fs.readFileSync("myfile.frag", "utf8"),
minify: true,
// Mangle everything, except uniforms and globals, "main" and function starting with "main"
mangle: true,
// Map of global variables to rename
mangle_global_map: {
my_uniform_to_rename: "x",
my_fragment_input_to_rename: "y",
if (!result.valid) {
throw new Error("compilation failed");
// Prints all the uniform used, key is the original uniform name and value is the renamed uniform, if it was defined in mangle_global_map
// Prints all the globals used, key is the original variable name and value is the renamed uniform, if it was defined in mangle_global_map
// Globals are varying, vertex and fragment input, outputs and buffers ...
// Globals do not include uniforms.
return result.output;
There is also an handy rollup and vite plugin:
import { rollupPluginSpglsl } from "spglsl";
const pluginToPassToRollupOrVite = rollupPluginSpglsl({ ...options });
MIT license Salvatore Previti Copyright 2020-2022
Angle Copyright 2018 The ANGLE Project Authors.
The project is mostly C++, compiled to WASM with Emscripten and runnable in NodeJS. Look at project/scripts folder on how to install dependencies and build.