A high detailed, realistic version of the Cessna 182S aircraft for FlightGear. Can be flown according real pilot manual.
Further information can be read in Documentation.md.
Development thread: http://forum.flightgear.org/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=28475
FG Wiki page: http://wiki.flightgear.org/Cessna_182S
For the repository containing the .xcf and .svg files for the textures and liveries, visit: https://github.com/HHS81/c182-Textures/
This aircraft was modified and updated in a joint effort by the following people:
HHS81 (HHS): 3D model, fdm, programming, textures, bug tracking, testing
Gilberto Agostinho (gsagostinho): textures, xml, bug tracking, testing
onox: advice, nasal-scripts, testing
Wayne Bragg (wlbragg): rain effect, advice
Ron Jensen (jentron)
Daniel Dubreuil (Dany93)
Stuart Buchanan
David Megginson
Benedikt Hallinger (fuel/oil system, custom registration livery, checklists, save-state, failures, cockpit/avionics improvements and many more small additions)
Sascha Reißner and Josh Davidson (KAP 140 Autopilot)
Lycoming IO-540-AB1A5
Rated HP: 230 HP
Maximum RPM: 2400
McCauley Constant Speed B2D34C235/90DKB-8
Diameter: 80.5in-82in
Pitch range: 17deg-31.8deg
McCauley Constant Speed B3D36C431/80VSA-1
Diameter: 77.5in-79in
Pitch range: 14.9deg-31.7deg
Static RPM at full throttle: 2300RPM-2400RPM
Va1 (maneuvering): 110 KIAS
Vno (max structural cruising): 140 KIAS
Vne (never exceed): 175 KIAS
Vfe (flaps extended): 100 KIAS
Vx (best angle of climb): 63 KIAS
Vy (best rate of climb): 80 KIAS
Stall speed, no flaps: 56 kt KCAS
Stall speed, full flaps: 50 kt KACS
Best climb: 924 fpm
Service ceiling: 18,100 ft
Takeoff ground roll: 795
Takeoff over 50 ft obstacle: 1,514 ft
Landing ground roll: 590 ft
Landing over 50 ft obstacle: 1,390 ft
Cruise, 80% power, 6,000 ft: 140 kt TAS
Cruise, 65% power, 8,000 ft: 130 kt TAS
Cruise, 55% power, 10,000 ft: 121 kt TAS
Range, 75% power, 6,000 ft: 820 nm
Range, 65% power, 8,000 ft: 910 nm
Range, 55% power, 10,000 ft: 968 nm