Whether you want to show the nearest Mercedes–Benz dealer or partner on map or want to provide reliable dealer information.
- geolocation data for showing dealers and service partners on map
- contact information (address, telephone number, e-mail address, website etc.)
- opening hours
- details on services provided (sales, service, parts, used car sales)
You will need an API-Key to use this library. Signup for api at developer.mercedes-benz.com
go get github.com/MarinX/go-mercedes-dealer
Function | Description |
GetCountries(page int, pageSize int) | Get the supported countries for the Dealer API |
GetDealers(filterParams DealerParam) | Search for Dealers |
GetDealer(dealerId string) | Search for specific dealer |
// Find dealers near city of Zagreb
dealers, err := api.GetDealers(&DealerParam{
City: "Zagreb",
// You can also specify other values like radius, lat, lng etc.
// Look at the godoc reference for more information about DealerParam
// Get single dealer by the code - Emil Frey
singleDealer, err := api.GetDealer("GS0038375")
// The countries that are supported by the Dealer API will be provided by the countries resource
// Get the first page with limit of 5 results
countries, err := api.GetCountries(1, 5)
This library is under the MIT License
Marin Basic