David Chu and Luisa Escosteguy
- thread_set_priority(): set current thread priority and check if the thread still has the highest priority, if not, yields
- thread_get_priority(): Returns thread.priority or if it is a priority donation, return max donated priority
- yield(): Check if the current thread is the highest priority thread. If yes, return. If not, schedule the highest priority thread to run and current thread transition to the next state, release lock passed in if not null
- Basic priority-based scheduling:
- New threads are scheduled based on priority
- If a thread is added to the ready list and has the highest priority, it starts running immediately
- If the highest priority thread (currently running) priority is lowered and there is a thread with higher priority, it yields
- Simple priority donation
- We tried to implement a feature in our scheduler to handle the case where there are multiple threads with the same highest priority in the ready queue. To handle this tie case, we attempted to return a list of threads max_threads with the same highest priority from our function get_max_priority_thread() and implement a round robin scheduling policy for the threads in that list. We planned to distribute a period of time to each of the thread to use the resources based on the number of time interupts. The algorithm ends when all threads in max_threads complete running.
Priority implementation:
- thread.h: added header for thread_get_priority and thread_set_priority
- thread.c: implement thread_get_priority and thread_set_priority
- sched.h: added header for yield and get_max_priority_thread helper function
- sched.c: implemented yield, changed sched_ready and sched to take priority into consideration and added get_max_priority_thread helper
- synch.c: changed spinlock_acquire and spinlock_release to support priority donation
Testing related:
- kernel/sched_test: all test cases for this lab
- include/kernel/sched_test: header file for sched_test file
- Makefile: added option to run osv in test mode to run priority scheduling tests in kernel mode. Changed the number of CPUs
- kernel/main: either runs regular osv or in sched test mode
To run the tests, run TEST=true make qemu
and note the print statements. We are running qemu with 1 CPU to facilitate testing.
If you want to revert to normal testing, run make clean
to clean the environment and run make qemu
as usual.
- tie_priority_sched_test: several threads with the same priority should take turns to run
- simple_priority_sched_test: verifies that the three threads with high, medium and low priority finish running in order.
- inversion_priority_sched_test: high priority thread (H) needs a lock acquired by low priority thread (L), so it donates its priority to L while L is holding the lock. When L releases the lock, H should continue running.
- add_higher_thread_test: add a thread with higher priority to the ready list - it should start running
- lower_thread_priority_should_yield: create a high priority thread that should start running and then lower its own priority - it should yield to the other threads (running to ready) and other thread should take over.
- get_set_priority_test: test if the priority of a thread is correctly set
- set_invalid_priority_test: should not set priority if out of bounds
- We test every case for every features that we succesfully implemented. We passed all tests but tie_priority_sched_test
For simple_priority_thread_test, due to the unpredictable behaviors of thread_start_context(), we implemented a latency time in a loop to make sure our threads behave in the order that we expected. This is not a concerning bug, but this suggests that our scheduling mechaninism might not work perfectly under some conditions, which was compensated by adding a lagging period between the threads. Due to the time constrant, we believe this approach is appropriate.
(For ties) In get_max_priority_thread_tie(), we encountered a bug where the program got stuck and was not able to exit the loop. We believe that the issue might lie in how we constructed the nodes to be included in the list of max_threads. We tried to modify the struct thread to include a different type of node but it didn't resolve our problem.
Thanks for all the help this term and the previous terms! It's been fun! Hope you enjoy life after Carleton! We'll miss you Aaron :)