By Joshua Tauberer
August 2013.
License: GPL v3
This module implements operational transformation (OT) on a JSON data model, written in JavaScript for use either in node.js or browsers.
While most collaborative editing models operate on plain text documents with operations like insert and delete on strings, the document model in JOT is JSON --- i.e. the value space of null, booleans, numbers, strings, arrays, and objects (key-value pairs with string keys). JOT includes the basic insert/delete operations on strings but adds many other operations that make JOT useful for tracking changes to any sort of data that can be encoded in JSON.
Basically, this is the core of real time simultaneous editing, like Etherpad, but for structured data rather than just plain text. Since everything can be represented in JSON, this provides plain text collaboration functionality and much more.
This is a work in progress. There is no UI or collaboration framework here.
The core problem addressed by operational transformation libraries like JOT is merging edits made simultaneously, i.e. asynchronously, by two or more users, and the handling of potential conflicts that arise when multiple users edit the same part of the document.
To illustrate the problem, imagine two users open the following JSON document:
{ "title": "Hello World!", "count": 10 }
Each user now has a copy of this document in their local memory. The first user modfies their copy by changing the title and incrementing the count:
{ "title": "It's a Small World!", "count": 20 }
At the same time, the second user changes their copy of the document by changing
Hello World!
to Hello, Small World!
also incrementing the count by 5, yielding:
{ "title": "Hello, Small World!", "count": 15 }
In order to merge these changes, there needs to be a structured representation of the changes. In the flat land of plain text, you are probably used to diffs and patches as structured representations of changes --- e.g. at lines 5 through 10, replace with new content. In JOT, it is up to the library user to form structured representations of changes using JOT's classes. The changes in the example above are constructed as:
var user1 = new jot.LIST([
new jot.APPLY("title", new jot.SPLICE(0, 5, "It's a Small")),
new jot.APPLY("count", new jot.MATH("add", 10))
var user2 = new jot.LIST([
new jot.APPLY("title", new jot.SPLICE(5, 1, ", Small ")),
new jot.APPLY("count", new jot.MATH('add', 5))
In other words, user 1 makes a change to the title
property by replacing the 5 characters
starting at position 0 with It's a Small
and increments the count
property by 10.
User 2 makes a change to the title
property by replacing the 1 character at position 5,
i.e. the first space, with , Small
and increments the count
property by 5.
These changes cannot yet be combined. If they were applied in order we would get a corrupted document because the character positions that user 2's operation referred to are shifted once user 1's changes are applied. After applying user 1's changes, we have the document:
{ title: "It's a Small World!", count: 20 }
But then if we apply user 2's changes, which say to replace the character at position 5, we would get:
{ title: "It's , Small Small World!", count: 25 }
That's not what user 2 intended. The second user's changes must be "transformed" to take into account the changes to the document made by the first user before they can be applied.
JOT provides an algorithm to transform the structured representation of changes so that simultaneous changes can be combined sequentially.
Continuing the example, we desire to transform the second user's changes so that they can be applied in sequence after the first user's changes.
Instead of
... new jot.APPLY("title", new jot.SPLICE(5, 1, ", Small ")) ...
we want the second user's changes to look like
... new jot.APPLY("title", new jot.SPLICE(12, 1, ", Small ")) ...
Note how the character index has changed. These changes now can be applied after the first user's changes and achieve the intent of user 2's change.
JOT provides a rebase
function on operation objects that can make this
transformation. (The transformation is named after git's rebase.) The rebase
function transforms the operation and yields a new operation that should be applied instead, taking as an argument the operations executed by another user concurrently that have already applied to the document:
user2 = user2.rebase(user1)
These changes can now be merged using compose
var all_changes = user1.compose(user2);
and then applied to the base document:
document = all_changes.apply(document)
after which the base document will include both user's changes:
{ title: "It's a Small, Small World!", count: 25 }
It would also have been possible to rebase user1
and then compose the operations in the other order, for the exact same result.
See example.js for the complete example.
Operational transformation libraries often operate only over strings. JOT has those operations too. For instance, start with the document:
Hello world!
Two simultaneous changes might be:
User 1: REPLACE CHARS 0-4 WITH "Brave new"
User 2: REPLACE CHARS 11-11 WITH "."
To merge these changes, the second user's changes must be rebased to:
User 2: REPLACE CHARS 15-15 WITH "."
JOT's rebase algorithm can handle this case too:
// Construct operations
var document = "Hello world!";
var user1 = new jot.SPLICE(0, 5, "Brave new");
var user2 = new jot.SPLICE(11, 1, ".");
// Rebase user 2
user2 = user2.rebase(user1, { document: document })
// user2 now holds:
// new jot.SPLICE(15, 1, ".")
// Merge
> 'Brave new world.'
Unlike most collaborative editing models where there are only operations like insert and delete that apply to strings, the document model in JOT is JSON --- i.e. the value space of null, booleans, numbers, strings, arrays, and objects (key-value pairs with string keys). Operations are provided that manipulate all of these data types. This makes JOT useful when tracking changes to data, rather than simply to plain text.
The code is written for the node.js platform and can also be used client-side in modern browsers.
First install node, then install this package:
npm install git+
In a node script, import the library:
var jot = require("jot");
To build the library for browsers, run:
npm install -g browserify
browserify browser_example/browserfy_root.js -d -o dist/jot.js
Then use the library in your HTML page (see the example for details):
<script src="jot.js"></script>
// see the example below, but skip the 'require' line
The operations in JOT are instantiated as new jot.OPERATION(arguments)
. The available operations are...
: Replaces any value with any other JSON-able value.new_value
is the new value after the operation applies.LIST([op1, op2, op3, ...])
: Executes a series of operations in order.op1
, ... are other JOT operations. Equivalent toop1.compose(op2).compose(op3)...
MATH(op, value)
: Applies an arithmetic or boolean operation to a value.op
is one of "add", "mult" (multiply), "rot" (increment w/ modulus), "and" (boolean or bitwise and), "or" (boolean or bitwise or), "xor" (boolean or bitwise exclusive-or), "not" (boolean or bitwise negation). Forrot
is given as an array of[increment, modulus]
. Fornot
is ignored and should benull
apply to any number,rot
applies to integers only, and the boolean/bitwise operations only apply to integers and booleans. Because of rounding, operations on floating-point numbers or with floating-point operands could result in inconsistent state depending on the order of execution of the operations.
The same operation is used for both strings and arrays:
SPLICE(index, length, new_value)
: Replaces text in a string or array elements in an array at the given index and length in the original. To delete,new_value
should be an empty string or zero-length array. To insert,length
should be zero.ATINDEX(index, operation)
: Apply any operation to a particular array element atindex
is any operation. Operations at multiple indexes can be applied simultaneously usingATINDEX({ index1: op1, index2: op2, ... })
: Apply any operation to all elements of an array (or all characters in a string).operation
is any operation created by these constructors.
is the only operation you need for basic plain text concurrent
editing. JOT includes the entire text editing model in the SPLICE
operations plus it adds new operations for non-string data structures!
(Note that internally SPLICE
are sub-cases of an internal PATCH operation that maintains an ordered list of edits to a string or array.)
PUT(key, value)
: Adds a new property to an object.key
is any valid JSON key (a string) andvalue
is any valid JSON object. Equivalent toAPPLY(key, SET(value))
: Remove a property from an object. Equivalent toAPPLY(key, SET(~))
is a special internal value.APPLY(key, operation)
: Apply any operation to a particular property namedkey
is any operation. The operation can also take a mapping from keys to operations, asAPPLY({key: operation, ...})
COPY([ [source1, target1], [source2, target2], ... ])
: Copies a value from one location in the document to another. The source and target parameters are JSON Pointer strings (but/-
is not allowed). Use in combination with other operations to move parts of the document, e.g. aCOPY
plus aREM
can be used to rename an object property.
Each operation object provides the following instance methods:
returns a human-readable string representation of the operation. (A helper method so you can doconsole.log(op)
returns a boolean indicating whether the operation does nothing.op.apply(document)
applies the operation to the document and returns the new value of the document. Does not modifydocument
attempts to simplify complex operations. Returns a new operation or the operation unchanged. Useful primarily forLIST
looks inside an operation on a string, array, or object and returns the operation that represents the effect of this operation on a particular index or key.op.inverse(document)
returns the inverse operation, given the document value before the operation applied.op.compose(other)
composes two operations into a single operation instance, sometimes aLIST
rebases an operation. Returns null if the operations conflict, otherwise a new operation instance.op.rebase(other, { document: ... })
rebases an operation in conflictless mode. The document value provided is the value of the document before either operation applied. Returns a new operation instance. See further documentation below.op.toJSON()
turns the operation into a JSON-able data structure (made up of objects, arrays, strings, etc). Seejot.opFromJSON()
. (A helper method so you can doJSON.stringify(op)
serializes the operation to a string. Seejot.deserialize()
The jot
library itself offers several global methods:
jot.diff(a, b, options)
compares two documents,a
, and returns a JOT operation that when applied toa
, if given, is an object that controls how the diff is performed. Any data type that can be a JOT document (i.e. any JSON-like data type) can be compared, and the comparison follows the document structure recursively. If the keyswords
, orsentences
is set to a truthy value, then strings are compared word-by-word, line-by-line, or sentence-by-sentence, instead of character-by-character. There is no general purpose structured diff algorithm that works well on all documents --- this one probably works fine on relatively small structured
is the inverse ofop.toJSON()
is the inverse ofop.serialize()
What makes JOT useful is that each operation knows how to "rebase" itself against every other operation. This is the "transformation" part of operational transformation, and it's what you do when you have two concurrent edits that need to be merged.
The rebase operation guarantees that any two operations can be combined in any order
and result in the same document. In other words, rebase satisfies the constraints
A ○ (B/A) == B ○ (A/B)
and C / (A○B) == (C/A) / B
, where ○
is compose
and /
is rebase.
In general, not all rebases are possible in a way that preserves the logical intent
of each change. This is what results in a merge conflict in source code control
software like git. The conflict indicates where two operations could not be merged
without losing the logical intent of the changes and intervention by a human is
necessary. rebase
will return null
in these cases.
For example, two MATH
operations with different operators will conflict because
the order that these operations apply is significant:
> new jot.MATH("add", 1)
.rebase( new jot.MATH("mult", 2) )
(10 + 1) * 2 = 22 but (10 * 2) + 1 == 21. A vanilla rebase
will return null
in this case
to signal that human intervention is needed to choose which operation should apply
However, JOT provides a way to guarantee that rebase
will return some operation,
so that a merge conflict cannot occur. We call this "conflictless" rebase. The result
of a conflictless rebase comes close to preserving the logical intent of the
operations by choosing one operation over the other or choosing an order that
the operations will apply in.
To get a conflictless rebase, pass a second options argument to rebase
with the
option set to the content of the document prior to both operations applying:
> new jot.MATH("add", 1)
.rebase( new jot.MATH("mult", 2),
{ document: 10 } )
<values.SET 22>
The rebase returns a valid operation now, in this case telling us that to add 1 after the multiplication has applied, we should simply set the result to 22 instead of adding 1. In other words, the rebase has chosen the order where multiplication goes second.
Rebasing the other way around yields a consistent operation:
> new jot.MATH("mult", 2)
.rebase( new jot.MATH("add", 1),
{ document: 10 } )
<values.MATH mult:2>
In other words, if we're multing by 2 after the addition has applied, we should continue to multiply by 2. That's the same order as rebase chose above.
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npm test -- --coverage-report=html
Thanks to @konklone for some inspiration and the first pull request.
Similar work: ShareDB, ottypes/json0, Apache Wave (formerly Google Wave), Substance Operator (defunct).