A GUI application to view and test all OpenCV operations
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OpenCV Catalogue Application Demo Video illustrating isolation of Red color
OpenCV Catalogue is a stand alone application which is made to let you test any OpenCV operation without a need to code. This awesome GUI application lets you control all parameters of an OpenCV operation using GUI elements such as Sliders/Seekbars, Input Text Box, Radio Buttons and Check Boxes. You can even form a series or chain of OpenCV operations, control individual operation parameters and view the output. Exporting realtime output is also supported.
This project is still under development and as of now covers some primitive OpenCV operations. But, with the power of open sourcing, this application can be made to cover all the OpenCV operations, very soon.
This repository also contain release packages with standalone GUI application which anyone can run it on their Linux system. OpenCV Catalogue is primarily saves user's time with figuring out what parameter causes what changes on the output.
- Select camera, image and video file, network stream as input source
- Real time ajustment of paramters of selected OpenCV operation
- Chaining of various OpenCV operations in a sequence
- Provides link to official OpenCV documentation to selected OpenCV operation
- Record and export output
- View output of each operation in the chain using Exploded View (Experimental)
Planned features:
- OpenCV machine learning operations
- Support for CUDA based operations
- Two-Dimensional chaining of OpenCV operations
- C++
- QT
- OpenCV with OpenCV Extra Modules
tar xjf opencv-catalogue.tar.bz2
cd <OpenCV_Catalogue.sh file location>
chmod +x OpenCV_Catalogue.sh
Select one of the above input sources
- Confirm the source selection by clicking on
- Select "Mirror" option to make the input Matrix mirrored along Y-axis
Select OpenCV Operation from the "Examples" Menu
In the Select and Chain OpenCV Operations box(left side), click on:
button to add a OpenCV function in chain
button to remove the selected OpenCV function from chain
radio button to select the OpenCV operation for it's parameter adjustment
NOTE: on adding an incompatible OpenCV Operation to the chain, it will be automatically removed from the chain with a pop up dialog stating the error.
GUI to adjust selected operation paramters is in the right side
- Select folder where you want to export the output to.
- Click on capture image(camera button) to capture and save current frame of input and output image.
- Or you can also start video recording to export the video of input and output in realtime, click on stop button to end and save the video recording.
Convenient GUI for parameter value adjustment
Each OpenCV operation has it's own parameter control GUI
Changing parameters values reflect the changes in real time
Clicking on
button at the top right corner besides the selected operation name will reveal the official OpenCV documentation for the selected operation in your internet browser.
Click on Switch Theme button at the bottom right corner to swtich between Dark Mode and Light Mode Theme
Two themes available: Dark and Light
Various GUI elements are used:
- Seekbar for definite ranging values
- Check box for binary options
- Text Input Field for indefinite values and decimal values
- Radio Buttons to select one out of many options
See the open issues for a list of proposed features (and known issues).
Distributed under the GNU GPL v3 License.
Jairaj Jangle - 🐦@JairajJangle | ✉️ [email protected]
Project Link: https://github.com/JairajJangle/Open-CV-Catalogue