Invise Labs is a division of Invise Solutions IT Services. We primarily maintain a growing number of free projects and programs we've created geared towards use by those in technology fields, including cyber cecurity pros. We're paving the way for exciting new technological inventions inspired by Mike, our every day IT business Invise Solutions, our malware hunting, and the endless possiblities we think of every day.
So who exactly are we? We're a team of IT professionals who fly by night as computer programmers – well, not anymore, but we were, things are a bit more serious now in comparison to back in the day, when Invise Labs started in November 2016.
Through our day-to-day business we come up with all sorts of ideas for coding and automating things, if something works it's way into being a project, you'll find it here at Invise Labs. If it's too small to be a project, you'll likely find it (scripts or other small trinkets) over at our Mike's GitHub page, or at the Invise Solutions Github page.
👉🏼👉🏼 QuickDag / Nexgen Combined Repo: (Formally Quick Dagger) Our premier flagship project, forged from over 7 years of relentless dedication and developement towards fighting malware and other executable code on Windows PCs. This repo provides info about latest releases, project roadmaps, public bugs and feedback board, Discord info, etc.
Licensing: See Invise Labs Public License
If you plan on using, forking, or modifying our code, please read our simple Public Use License, by clinking the link above. Basic summary: Unless otherwise stated, any open source code that we release is released under our simple Invise Labs Public License, which permits unlimited usage for all types of uses, excluding for-profit commericial use, in which case you need to contact us to make an agreement. We spend a significant amount of time coding and creating our projects, so please be respectful and contact us if you want to include our work in for-profit applications or products. Some of our projects may not be fully open source, and their usage may be bound to terms for frequent users such as cheap subscription levels - if such a decision is made for a particular project, then we try to be extremely fair, as no one likes paying thousands per month for various subscriptions. Refer to the license or subscription info that came with that project.
We are asking our supporters, people who believe in us, and those who want to see our projects succeed, to please consider making a donation to support development. We don't mind giving lifetime subscriptions in exchange - for projects that we eventually will be charging for. It costs money to run developement, pay for servers such as Google Cloud instances, and pay ourselves (to cover living costs) if we will be spending a lot of personal time. A dedicated project donations page will be created soon, in the meantime, you can use our pay page at Invise Solutions.
Built for IT Pros to detect problems with computer systems. Featuring Nexgen, break-through malware detection algorithm and machine learning to detect malicious files on a Windows Operating System.
### 2️⃣ RMM Prober Scripts [View Github Page](
A collection of deployable Windows-based command-line scripts designed to output concerning or important hardware or sensor info; eg. HDD SMART, HW Temps, packet drops, etc. Each tool outputs the associated raw troubleshooting values, along with a PASS or FAIL and proper exit codes. Use with RMM or IT Admin software to alert you when a script check fails. Tested with SyncroMPS and Solarwinds MSP RMM dashboards, but should work with any RMM dashboard that allows running remote scripts and checking output / exit codes. These scripts are ready to upload to your RMM dashboard and by default deloy into the C:\IT folder.
TempProber: Uses OpenHardwareMonitor API to collect and display HW temps along with a PASS or FAIL next to each deployed PC.
SMARTProber: Displays HDD/SSD SMART data (pwr on hrs, current pending sectors, etc) with PASS or FAIl of SSDs / HDDs next to each deployed PC.
DeviceProber: Scans Device Manager information and reports any devices or drivers with a Warning, Failure, or Missing status attached to them. E.g. sisplays "x devices OK, x MISSING drivers" next to deployed PCs.
NICProber: Reports ethernet adapter connection speed status as 1gbps or 100mbps, which can assist you in troubleshooting network performance or watch for clients that attempt to use old cables or obsolete hardware.
ConnectivityProber: (Name might change.) Pings Google, or another server of your choice for 50 packets. Reports latency issues, average ms, jitter, and dropped packets. Displays status info next to each deployed PC.
FanProber: (COMING SOON) Pulls fan speed info, attempts to detect operational issue of the fans, such as intermittent stopping, problematic RPM.
Licensing: Please adhere to these terms when using, modifying, and distributing these scripts. Projects released under our INvise Labs Public License: You are free to use, modify, and distribute these scripts in any medium or format. However, the following conditions must be met:
- Attribution: You must give appropriate credit to Mike Lierman and Invise Labs, and provide a link our Github where those interested can find our original code; and if you made changes, a link to your Github project page where the source code is published. You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor endorses you or your use.
- Non-Commercial: You may not use the material for profitable commercial purposes. If you work in IT, we permit commercial usage in the circumstances that you are installing the AHK scripts for free on your / company's / client's machines. It is not permissable to resell our scripts, nor include as part of a product for sale. For-profit licensing, please contact us to make an agreement.
- Share Alike: If you remix, transform, or build upon the material, you must distribute your contributions under the same license as the original.
- No additional restrictions: You may not apply legal terms or technological measures that legally restrict others from doing anything the license permits.