StackStorm integration pack for Open Nebula
This pack integrates with Open Nebula and allows for the creation and management of objects.
More detailed information about the XML-RPC API endpoints, XML schema, and parameters can be found here:
More details about the pyone wrapper can be found here:
You will need to specify the details of the Open Nebula instance you will be connecting to within
the /opt/stackstorm/config/open_nebula.yaml
Copy the example configuration in open_nebula.yaml.example
to /opt/stackstorm/configs/open_nebula.yaml
and edit as required.
If you only have a single Open Nebula environment then you can set it up as default
, and you won't need to specify it when running actions, e.g.:
ssl_verify: true
host: "myone.local"
port: 2633
user: "oneadmin"
passwd: "******"
You can also specify multiple environments using nested values. To choose which one to use simply pass the name into the ovirt
parameter of any action:
You can also include a default environment in a list as well and that will be used if nothing is passed in the action.
Note : When modifying the configuration in /opt/stackstorm/configs/
remember to tell StackStorm to load these new values by running
st2ctl reload --register-configs
The action_base.yaml
file contains 2 methods to connect to the API. Both use the data from the config file above.
a python wrapper that's good for creating and updating objects
More information:
an xmlrpc connection that's good for returning readable data
More information on the XML-RPC API methods:
Action | Description |
cluster_host_count | Retrieves all of the hosts from each cluster on an Open Nebula system |
cluster_vm_count | Return an object containing each cluster with the number of VMs on each one |
clusters_get | Retrieves information for all the clusters in the pool or the given clusters if any IDs are passed |
data_get_all | Gathers all data for all VMs in Open Nebula |
datastore_attribute_get | Return the value of the given attribute from the datastore |
datastores_attribute_get | Return the value of the given attribute from the datastores |
datastores_get | Retrieves information for all or part of the datastores in the pool or the given datastores if any IDs are passed |
hosts_get | Retrieves information for all the hosts in the pool or the given hosts if any IDs are passed |
images_get | Retrieves information for all or part of the images in the pool or the given image if any IDs are passed |
networks_get | Retrieves information for all or part of the virtual networks in the pool or the given virtual networks if any IDs are passed |
template_attribute_get | Return the value of the given attribute from the template |
template_attributes_update | Update the dict of given attributes on the given template |
template_clone | Clones an existing virtual machine template |
template_delete | Deletes the given template from the pool |
template_disks_get | Return a list of disks on the given template |
template_get_by_name | Retrieves the given template by name on an Open Nebula system |
template_instantiate | Instantiates a new virtual machine from a given template ID |
templates_get | Retrieves information for all or part of the templates in the pool or the given templates if any IDs are passed |
templates_get_with_label | Retrieves a list of templates that have the given label |
users_get | Retrieves information for all the users in the pool or the given users if any IDs are passed |
vm_action_submit | Run the given onevm action on the given VM. Each onevm action that this can run also has it's own corresponding ST2 action in this pack |
vm_attribute_get | Return the value of the given attribute from the VM |
vm_attributes_update | Update the dict of given attributes on the given VM |
vm_bestfit | Determine the best host and datastore to provision a new VM to on a given cluster |
vm_disk_add | Adds a disk to a VM in Open Nebula |
vm_get_by_name | Retrieves the given VM by name on an Open Nebula system |
vm_hold | Sets the VM to hold state. The scheduler will not deploy VMs in the hold state |
vm_labels_add | Append one or more labels to the given VM |
vm_labels_get | Retrieves a list of labels on the given VM |
vm_lock | Locks a VM from having actions performed on it |
vm_nic_attach | Attaches a nic to the given VM |
vm_nic_detach | Detaches a nic from the given VM |
vm_poweroff | Gracefully powers off a running VM by sending the ACPI signal. It is similar to suspend but without saving the VM state |
vm_reboot | Gracefully reboots a running VM, sending the ACPI signal |
vm_release | Releases a VM from hold state, setting it to pending |
vm_reschedule | Sets the reschedule flag for the VM. The Scheduler will migrate the VM in the next monitorization cycle to a Host that better matches the requirements and rank restrictions |
vm_resize | Changes the capacity of CPU, VCPU, and/or MEMORY on the virtual machine |
vm_resume | Resumes the execution of VMs in the stopped, suspended, undeployed and poweroff states |
vm_snapshot_create | Create a snapshot of the given VM |
vm_snapshot_delete_id | Delete a snapshot from the given VM from the ID |
vm_snapshots_delete_age | Delete snapshots older than a given age |
vm_snapshots_get | Return a list of snapshots on the given VM |
vm_stop | Same as undeploy but also the VM state is saved to later resume it |
vm_suspend | The VM state is saved in the running Host. When a suspended VM is resumed, it is immediately deployed in the same Host by restoring its saved state |
vm_terminate | Gracefully shuts down and deletes a running VM, sending the ACPI signal |
vm_undeploy | Gracefully shuts down and deletes a running VM, sending the ACPI signal |
vm_unlock | Unocks a VM from a locked state |
vm_unreschedule | Clears the reschedule flag for the VM, canceling the rescheduling operation |
vms_attribute_get | Checks a list of vms for a given attribute |
vms_get | Retrieves information for all or part of the VMs in the pool or the given VMs if any IDs are passed |
vms_get_ext | Retrieves extended information for all or part of the VMs in the pool or the given VMs if any IDs are passed |
Update custom attributes on a VM:
st2 run open_nebula.vm_attributes_update vm_id="5" attributes='{"ATTR1": "VALUE1", "LABELS": "ST2,test_label,Label2"}'
Update memory and CPU on a VM:
st2 run open_nebula.vm_resize vm_id="80" mem_mb="4096" vcpu_num="2"
Power off a VM:
st2 run open_nebula.vm_poweroff vm_id="80"
st2 run open_nebula.vm_action_submit vm_id="221" vm_action="poweroff"