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🏎️ Extended Kalman Filter (EKF) Localization Project using C++ and Eigen library for the Self-Driving Car Nanodegree at Udacity


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CarND · T2 · P1 · Extended Kalman Filter (EKF) Project

Udacity - Self-Driving Car NanoDegree

Extended Kalman Filter visualization on the simulator.

Project Overview

In this project you will utilize an Extended Kalman Filter (EKF) to estimate the state of a moving object of interest with noisy lidar and radar measurements. Passing the project requires obtaining RMSE values that are lower that the tolerance outlined in the project rubric: px = 0.11, py = 0.11, vx = 0.52, vy = 0.52.

To test it, Term 2 Simulator need to be used. The latest version of main.cpp used to run this project without the simulator can be found here.

If you are looking for Udacity's started code project, you can find it here.



This repository includes two files that can be used to set up and install uWebSocketIO:

For Windows, Docker or VMware coulso also be used as explained in the course lectures. Details about enviroment setup can also be found there.

If you install from source, checkout to commit e94b6e1, as some function signatures have changed in v0.14.x:

git clone
cd uWebSockets
git checkout e94b6e1

See this PR for more details.

Build & Run

Once the install is complete, the main program can be built and run by doing the following from the project top directory:

  1. Create a build directory and navigate to it: mkdir build && cd build
  2. Compile the project: cmake .. && make
  3. Run it: ./EKF

Or, all together (from inside the build directory): clear && cmake .. && make && ./EKF

Tips for setting up your environment can be found here.

Relevant Changes

These are some of the more relevant changes I made to the started code or to the suggestions from the lessons:

Code Style and Code Organization

  • Use of 4 spaces instead of 2 for indentation.
  • Rename of files with classes to match its CamelCase name.
  • Rename of FusionEKF to EKFTracker.
  • Rename of KalmanFilter to EKF.
  • Letter case-separated words to name variables and class methods.
  • Make all class properties private and create methods to access and update them.

Code Functionality

  • Move Tools::calculateJacobian to EKF::calculateJacobian.
  • Add EKFTracker::getCurrentState and EKF::getCurrentState and updats main.cpp accordingly so that it can still access the Kalman Filter state after each simulator update.
  • Remove all Kalman Filter matrixes from EKFTracker and add them to EKF, either as class properties or as local variables, depending if they can be reused or not.
  • Update EKF::predict to accept the elapsed as a param and incorporate it to the matrixes F and Q.
  • Update division by zero checks to use a saturation value instead of logging out and error.
  • Create methods EKF::initMatrixes, EKF::initState and EKF::initNoise.
  • Create methods EKF::updateLaser and EKF::updateRadar, which use the internal R_laser_ and R_radar_ matrixes, respectively, as well as EKF::update and EKF::updateEKF, which accept an R covariance matrix as a param to be used on the update.
  • Add improved division-by-zero prevention using the macros defined in EKF.cpp.

Data Flow

  1. The measuremennt processor/MATLAB simulator is generating the input file data/obj_pose-laser-radar-synthetic-ukf-input.txt with the following format:

    For laser:

    sensor meas_px meas_py timestamp gt_px gt_py gt_vx gt_vy
    L 8.45 0.25 1477010443349642 8.45 0.25 -3.00027 0

    For radar:

    sensor meas_rho meas_phi meas_rho_dot timestamp gt_px gt_py gt_vx gt_vy
    R 8.60363 0.0290616 -2.99903 1477010443399637 8.6 0.25 -3.00029 0
  2. The simulator reads all the lines and generates measurement structures that are sent to main.cpp using uWebSocketIO (port 4567).

  3. EKFTracker::processMeasurement() is called with individual measurements (one by one), which will update the Kalman Filter state like so:

    High-level overview of measurement processing

    Process measurement diagram.

    Kalman Filter and Extended Kalman Filter matrices equations

    KF and EKF equations.
  4. main.cpp gets the EKF instance state throguth EKFTracker (current estimated px, py, vx and vy) and uses it to calculate the RMSE.

  5. main.cpp sends the following data using uWebSocketIO back to the simulator, which will plot them.

    • estimate_x = px
    • estimate_y = py
    • rmse_x = RMSE(px)
    • rmse_y = RMSE(py)
    • rmse_vx = RMSE(vx)
    • rmse_vy = RMSE(vy)


With the default values provided in the started project, the results obtained on the simulator are:

1 L + R 0.0973 0.0855 0.4513 0.4399
2 L + R 0.0726 0.0967 0.4579 0.4966
1 L 0.1222 0.0984 0.5825 0.4567
2 L 0.0961 0.1003 0.5418 0.4640
1 R 10.9958 7.7916 10.1094 7.8036
2 R 0.2244 0.2954 0.5870 0.7338

I have been playing around with the noiseAX_ and noiseAY_ values, and these are the resuls for the Dataset 1 when using both sensors' data:

10 0.0961 0.0846 0.4484 0.4330
11 0.0951 0.0840 0.4463 0.4274
12 0.0942 0.0836 0.4447 0.4226
20 0.0907 0.0834 0.4410 0.4039
24 0.0899 0.0841 0.4420 0.4012
32 0.0889 0.0856 0.4457 0.4013
40 0.0885 0.0872 0.4503 0.4053
1000 0.0995 0.1201 0.7518 0.9068

Increasing their value up to a certain point, probably around 20 - 24, seems to help reduce the RMSE. Reducing them, however, had the opposite effect.

If we run again all the previous tests with noiseAX_ = noiseAY_ = 24, we get the following results:

1 L + R 0.0889 0.0856 0.4457 0.4013
2 L + R 0.0735 0.0869 0.4497 0.4582
1 L 0.1185 0.1012 0.5979 0.4623
2 L 0.0967 0.0981 0.5450 0.4698
1 R 10.4272 7.2866 11.6866 9.6269
2 R 0.2105 0.2674 0.5780 0.6695

We can see how, overall, we haven't improved too much, or at least we haven't done that consistently for all the cases, which might indicate we are overfitting the Dataset 1 with L and R sensor, which we were using while adjusting the noise values.

Generating Additional Data

If you'd like to generate your own radar and lidar data, see the utilities repo for Matlab scripts that can generate additional data.

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