- My Personal portfolio Website
Join the Discord!
- Home / Intro section, with nice typing animation
- About section with infos about me
- Services tab, outlining the things I do / offer
- Service stats counter
- Work list, showing everything ive done so far thats noteworthy
- Contact field
Page design as seen on various public portfolios, some ideas from templates and google images. Goal was to keep it simple while still showing my skills, and ofc listing everything I do / have done that is worthy a mention.
"You shouldnt put your name or phone number out there"
- Please. I'm no longer a child. I run a public organization, my name is on various documents that are public, even on two press releases. I have nothing to hide anymore, those days are over. And that number is in a dead phone.
"Arent you worried that people will find things about you through those employers listed?"
- Same as above. Go on, if you have a desire to aquire information about me, go right ahead. But you could also always just ask me.
- Loose files:
- LICENSE, the License for this repository
-, this
- index.html, the Website Core
- lib:
- Contains all libaries like jquery, font-awesome, ionicons, typed etc.
- Used to make the site do its fancy things
- js:
- Main JavaScript file of this page, handling things like the preloader
- img:
- Contains all images seen on the page
- favicon:
- Favicons, duh 😄
- css:
- Makes ugly site less ugly
Code is kept fairly simple. Mostly just using existing libraries, so there shouldnt be any problems understanding it. If anything is unclear, feel free to ask!
- Credits for ideas to colorlib and Lucky☘️
- Credits for help to W3Schools, Stackoverflow and MDN
Since I work full-time on open-source projects spread across my organizations, my only source of income is donations from people like you that use & appreciate my stuff. So, if you can spare a dollar or two, I would really appreciate that. All the money goes towards paying rent, essentials like food, drinks etc, and most importantly it will be used to fuel my cookie addiction🍪
- Blockchain profile: Claracrazy.eth
- XMR:
- USDT (TRX20):
- USDT (ERC20):
- Doge:
- BTC:
- Patreon (Fee: 8%*): ❤️ Account needed, subscription with perks
- ko-fi (Fee: 2%*): No account needed, subscription or one-time donation
- Wire-transfer (Fee: 0%*): No account needed, one-time donation
- Paypal** (Fee: 2%*): Account needed, one-time donation
* Fee is calculated by how much I will lose when cashing out
** Please make sure to select Friends and Family
Thanks for all your support <3