48hr.email is my very own tempmail service. You can create emails on the fly with one click, not needing to worry about corporations do with your email. They can sell that one all they want!
All data is being removed 48hrs after they have reached the mail server.
Try now | Example Inbox | Discord
- Create a custom inbox with select name and domain, or get a fully randomized one
- Receive emails with a clean preview in your inbox, with optional browser notifications
- Read emails, with support for HTML, CSS & JS just like you are used to from regular email providers
- Delete your emails ahead of time by pressing the delete button
- View the raw email, showing all the headers etc.
- Download Attachments
- and more...
48hr.email uses an existing IMAP server for its handling. A single catch-all account and the accompanying credentials handle all the emails.
- Prerequisites:
- Mail server with IMAP
- One or multiple domains dedicated to this
- git & nodejs
Option 1 - bare-metal install:
git clone https://github.com/Crazyco-xyz/48hr.email.git
cd 48hr.email
npm i
- Change all settings to the desired values:
- Either use environmental variables, or modify
(Rename toconfig.js
after) - For a list of values, check
- Either use environmental variables, or modify
npm run start
ExecStart=npm run start
Option 2 - Docker:
git clone https://github.com/Crazyco-xyz/48hr.email.git
cd 48hr.email
- Change all settings to the desired values:
- Either use environmental variables, or modify
- Either use environmental variables, or modify
docker compose up -d
- If desired, you can also move the config file somewhere else (change volume mount accordingly)
- Clean up code inside application folder
- Add user registration:
- Optional "premium" domains that arent visible to the public to prevent them from being scraped and flagged
- Allow people to set a password for their email (releases X time after last login)
- Allow people to set up forwarding
- Possible payment integration once registration exists, to lock one or more of these new features behind a paywall (configurable, ofc)
Since I work full-time on open-source projects spread across my organizations, my only source of income is donations from people like you that use & appreciate my stuff. So, if you can spare a dollar or two, I would really appreciate that. All the money goes towards paying rent, essentials like food, drinks etc, and most importantly it will be used to fuel my cookie addiction🍪
- XMR:
- USDT (TRX20):
- USDT (ERC20):
- Doge:
- BTC:
- Patreon (Fee: 8%*): ❤️ Account needed, subscription with perks
- ko-fi (Fee: 2%*): No account needed, subscription or one-time donation
- Wire-transfer (Fee: 0%*): No account needed, one-time donation
- Paypal** (Fee: 2%*): Account needed, one-time donation
* Fee is calculated by how much I will lose when cashing out
** Please make sure to select Friends and Family
Thanks for all your support <3