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License: MIT

CaBot Navigation Packages

Package Description
cabot This package includes cabot basic functions
cabot_bt cabot behavior trees (BT), BT plugins, and some utilities
cabot_description robot URDF description
cabot_gazebo robot launch files for gazebo environment, counter part of cabot package
cabot_mf_localization launch file and script for launching multi floor localization using RF signals (WiFi/BLE) and cartographer
cabot_msgs cabot message definition
cabot_navigation2 cabot core navigation logic using Nav2
cabot_sites place cabot site packages
cabot_ui user interface related code and i18n files
mf_localization multi floor localization function.
mf_localization_gazebo gazebo utility to test multi floor localization
mf_localization_mapping mapping function for multi floor localization.
mf_localization_msgs message difinitions for multi floor localization
mf_localization_rviz rviz plugins for multi floor localization control (floor up/down, restart localization)
queue_msgs msgs for queue packages
queue_people_py publish queue message to control robot in queue
queue_utils_py utilities for queue


  • Tests in thie repo is solely for navigation and localization not user interfaces such as buttons, vibration pattern, speech etc.
  • Such UI test should be done in the cabot repository


  • run the script to download dependencies
  • if you pull the latest docker images from docker hub, run the following command
docker compose --profile build pull
docker compose --profile map pull
  • if you build docker image, run the script to build image
./ -i         # run docker image build for your platform
  • if you run in development mode, run the script to build workspaces
./        # run workspace build
./ -d     # run workspace debug build (symlink-install)

Run simulator and run test cases

  • set .env file (example)
  • run simulator
./ -s            # simulation in production mode, yes to launch a map server
./ -s -d         # simulation in development mode, yes to launch a map server
  • run test cases
./ -s -t         # simulation in production mode, yes to launch a map server, run test
./ -s -t -H      # simulation in production mode, yes to launch a map server, run test, headless

.env file

  • Required settings
    CABOT_MODEL          # robot model (default=) to determine which launch/urdf to use
    CABOT_SITE           # package name for cabot site (default=)
    RMW_IMPLEMENTATION=rmw_cyclonedds_cpp   # need to use cyclone dds due to performance issue
  • Optional settings
    CABOT_LANG           # cabot language (default=en)
    CABOT_OFFSET         # offset size (default=0.25)
    CABOT_FOOTPRINT_RADIUS # robot radius size (default=0.45)
    CABOT_INIT_SPEED     # specify maximum robot speed at startup, leave empty to restore the last speed
    CABOT_MAX_SPEED      # you can change max_speed only when CABOT_MODEL is cabot2-gtm (defalt=1.0)
    CABOT_USE_GNSS       # to use GNSS fix for localization (default=0)
    CABOT_ANNOUNCE_NO_TOUCH # announce when the reason robot is stopped is NO_TOUCH(default=false)
    CABOT_SIDE           # left: user stands on the right, right: user stands on the left
    CYCLONEDDS_NETWORK_INTERFACE_NAME # to specify network interface name for Cyclone DDS
    CABOT_HANDLE_BUTTON_MAPPING # specify button mapping of handle
                                # (default=2, see [detail](./cabot_ui/
    HOST_UID             # host user UID (default=1000)
    HOST_GID             # host user GID (default=1000)
    HOST_TZ              # host timezone (default=UTC)
    CABOT_SITE_PKG_DIR   # location of the cabot_site_pkg dir for map server
  • Options for image description (hold down right button for 1-3 seconds)
    CABOT_IMAGE_DESCRIPTION_SERVER   # image description server (default=http://localhost:8000)
    CABOT_IMAGE_DESCRIPTION_ENABLED  # enable image description (default=false)
    CABOT_IMAGE_DESCRIPTION_MODE     # surround and/or stop-reason separated by comma (default=surround), or stop-reason-data-collect
    CABOT_IMAGE_DESCRIPTION_ROTATE_LEFT   # rotate left image (default=false)
    CABOT_IMAGE_DESCRIPTION_ROTATE_FRONT  # rotate front image (default=false)
    CABOT_IMAGE_DESCRIPTION_ROTATE_RIGHT  # rotate right image (default=false)
  • Options for debug/test
    CABOT_GAMEPAD              # (default=gamepad) gamepad type for remote controll (ex. PS4 controller)
                                                 pro (Nintendo Switch Pro controller)
    CABOT_USE_HANDLE_SIMULATOR # to use handle simulator (default=0)
    CABOT_REMOTE_USE_KEYBOARD  # to use teleop twist keayboard in the remote control mode (default=false)
    CABOT_REMOTE_USE_IMU       # to use imu in the remote control mode (default=false)
    CABOT_SHOW_GAZEBO_CLIENT   # show gazebo client (default=0)
    CABOT_SHOW_ROS1_RVIZ       # show ROS1 rviz (default=0)
    CABOT_SHOW_ROS2_RVIZ       # show ROS2 rviz (default=1)
    CABOT_SHOW_ROS2_LOCAL_RVIZ # show ROS2 local navigation rviz (default=0)
    CABOT_SHOW_LOC_RVIZ        # show ROS1 localization rviz (default=1)
    CABOT_SHOW_PEOPLE_RVIZ     # show ROS1 people rviz (default=0)
    CABOT_SHOW_ROBOT_MONITOR   # show robot monitor (default=1)
    CABOT_RECORD_ROSBAG2       # record BT log, controller critics evalation into rosbag2 (default=1)
    CABOT_USE_ROBOT_TTS        # use TTS service '/speak_robot' to let PC speaker speak (default=0)
                               # this function is not used now, but maybe used in some scenario
    TEXT_TO_SPEECH_APIKEY      # IBM Cloud Text to Speech Service's API key and URL
    TEXT_TO_SPEECH_URL         # these two variables are required if CABOT_USE_ROBOT_TTS is 1
  • Options for simulation
    CABOT_INITX          # initial robot position x for gazebo (default=0)
    CABOT_INITY          # initial robot position y for gazebo (default=0)
    CABOT_INITZ          # initial robot position z for gazebo (default=0)
    CABOT_INITA          # initial robot angle (degree) for gazebo (default=0)
  • Others
    ## The following will be managed by docker-compose files
    ## be careful to set these variables in your .env file
    CABOT_GAZEBO             # 1: gazebo 0: real robot
    CABOT_TOUCH_ENABLED      # true: enabled - false: disabled
                               disabled for gazebo and enabled for real robot in docker-compose file
    CABOT_USE_REALSENSE      # to use realsense camera (default=0)
                               disabled for gazebo and enabled for real robot in docker-compose file
    CABOT_PRESSURE_AVAILABLE # to use pressure sensor (default=0)
                               disabled for gazebo and enabled for real robot in docker-compose file
  • DDS related
    NET_CORE_BUFFER_SIZE_IN_MB   # default 64, small buffer size can cause data congestion and degrade performance especially velodyne_points and localization


MIT License

The following files/folder are under Apache-2.0 License

  • cabot_navigation/launch/cartographer_mapping.launch