This repository has been moved to
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To install module on PrestaShop, download zip package form Product page on PrestaShop Addons.
This module contain composer.json file. If you clone or download the module from github
repository, run the composer install
from the root module folder.
See the composer documentation to learn more about the composer.json file.
For development
We use Webpack to compile our javascript and scss files.
In order to compile those files, you must :
- have Node 10+ installed locally
- run
npm install
in the root folder to install dependencies - then run
npm run watch
to compile assets and watch for file changes
For production
Run npm run build
to compile for production.
Files are minified, console.log
and comments dropped.
php vendor/bin/php-cs-fixer fix --no-interaction --dry-run --diff
to show code lines to be fixed.
php vendor/bin/php-cs-fixer fix
to fix automatically all files.