A practice application using Javascipt to implement Connect 4/四連
A user can see a boardA user can see a styled boardA user can place a piece into a columnUsers place alternating black and red pieces on the boardUsers can't place a piece in a filled columnUsers are notified when they win the game (vertical, horizontal and diagonal win cases)Users can play against each other in the same browser
- Dynamic number of rows and columns
- A user can see an animation when they place a piece
- Users have the option to play against the computer
- Users are notified when there is no possible way for either player to win a game
- Users and computers have a limited time to move
- Users and computers have an aggregate time limit, like in chess
- Users can play against a "smart" computer, that has an algorithm for determining the optimal move.
- Users can play against a super "smart" computer, that optimizes its moves by making projections for future moves
- A user can play against another user on a different computer, using Firebase.js
- Frontend: Kevin Serrano, Victor Wong
- HTML Frame
- Basic CSS (constructing the game board display)
- Backend: Alivia Blount, Cyrus Vattes, Eddie Bueno
- Game Logic (2 person team)
- jQuery Routes
- Frontend: HTML skeleton
- Backend: Game Logic
- Frontend: Basic CSS
- Backend: jQuery Routes