11/16/2016: 4.2.x -> 4.3.0
- Different index is now used. Please uses API >= 3.5.0 for this change.
10/04/2016: 4.1.x -> 4.2.0
- "Add a domain" is now live. Please uses API >= 3.4.0 for this new functionality
09/30/2016: 4.1.0 -> 4.1.1
- "Add an account" is now live. Please uses API >= 3.3.1 for this new functionality
09/30/2016: 4.0.0 -> 4.1.0
- unreadCount is now separated from folders
- Please uses API >= 3.3.0 for this new change
07/22/2016: 4.0.0
- Uses Vuex instead of direct state mutations
07/17/2016: 3.2.0
- Address book: edit friendlyName and/or fold the address friendlyName
06/07/2016: 2.x -> 3.0.0
- (API) Dermail now supports per (main) domain DKIM signing outbound and verifying inbound.
- (API) By default, Dermail checks for incoming emails for SPF. If SPF is not either "pass", "neutral", or "softfail", the emails will be moved to SPAM folder
- (API) By default, Dermail checks for incoming emails for DKIM. If any DKIM signature fails the verification (not "pass" or "tempfail"), the emails will be moved to SPAM folder
- Webmail now has a "Security" page for setting up SPF and DKIM. DMARC is planned.
05/06/2016 -> 2.7.x -> 2.8.0
- Supports update alias. More functionalities on the way.
05/06/2016 -> 2.6.x -> 2.7.1
- Reverting to running Socket.io with API processes.
- Please see Dermail-API changelog for details
05/05/2016 -> 2.6.0 -> 2.6.1
- Actually, a simple nginx trick will require no modification for existing code:
location /socket.io {
proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
proxy_set_header Connection "upgrade";
proxy_http_version 1.1;
proxy_set_header Accept-Encoding "";
proxy_pass http://IP:1999;
05/05/2016 -> 2.5.x -> 2.6.0
- API breaking: Socket.io no longer runs with API processes; it is now running on a single process
- Please configure
in yourconfig.json