Flatten allows you to open files from a neovim terminal buffer in your current neovim instance instead of a nested one.
- Open files from terminal buffers without creating a nested session
- Allow blocking for git commits
- Configuration
- Callbacks for user-specific workflows
- Open in vsplit, split, tab, or current window
- Pipe from terminal into a new Neovim buffer (demo)
- Setting to force blocking from the commandline, regardless of filetype
- Multi-screen support
- Move buffers between Neovim instances in separate windows
- Single cursor between Neovim instances in separate windows
If you have an idea or feature request, open an issue with the enhancement
Config for demo here (autodelete gitcommit on write and toggling terminal are not defaults)
With lazy.nvim
config = true,
-- or pass configuration with
-- opts = { }
-- Ensure that it runs first to minimize delay when opening file from terminal
lazy = false, priority = 1001,
To avoid loading plugins in guest sessions you can use the following in your config:
-- If opening from inside neovim terminal then do not load all the other plugins
if os.getenv("NVIM") ~= nil then
require('lazy').setup {
{'willothy/flatten.nvim', config = true },
-- Otherwise proceed as normal
require('lazy').setup( --[[ your normal config ]] )
# open files normally
nvim file1 file2
# force blocking for a file
nvim --cmd 'let g:flatten_wait=1' file1
# enable blocking for $VISUAL
# allows edit-exec
# in your .bashrc, .zshrc, etc.
export VISUAL="nvim --cmd 'let g:flatten_wait=1'"
Flatten comes with the following defaults:
callbacks = {
-- Called when a request to edit file(s) is received
pre_open = function() end,
-- Called after a file is opened
-- Passed the buf id, win id, and filetype of the new window
post_open = function(bufnr, winnr, filetype) end,
-- Called when a file is open in blocking mode, after it's done blocking
-- (after bufdelete, bufunload, or quitpre for the blocking buffer)
block_end = function() end,
-- <String, Bool> dictionary of filetypes that should be blocking
block_for = {
gitcommit = true
-- Window options
window = {
-- Options:
-- current -> open in current window (default)
-- tab -> open in new tab
-- split -> open in split
-- vsplit -> open in vsplit
-- func(new_bufs) -> only open the files, allowing you to handle window opening yourself.
-- Argument is an array of buffer numbers representing the newly opened files.
open = "current",
-- Affects which file gets focused when opening multiple at once
-- Options:
-- "first" -> open first file of new files (default)
-- "last" -> open last file of new files
focus = "first"
Similarly to nvim-unception
, if you use a toggleable terminal and don't want the opened file(s) to be opened in the same window as your terminal buffer, you may want to use the pre_open
callback to close the terminal. You can even reopen it immediately after the file is opened using the post_open
callback for a truly seamless experience.
Note that when opening a file in blocking mode, such as a git commit, the terminal will be inaccessible. You can get the filetype from the bufnr or filetype arguments of the post_open
callback to only reopen the terminal for non-blocking files.
Here's my setup for toggleterm, including an autocmd to automatically close a git commit buffer on write:
opts = {
callbacks = {
pre_open = function()
-- Close toggleterm when an external open request is received
post_open = function(bufnr, winnr, ft, is_blocking)
if ft == "gitcommit" then
-- If the file is a git commit, create one-shot autocmd to delete it on write
-- If you just want the toggleable terminal integration, ignore this bit and only use the
-- code in the else block
buffer = bufnr,
once = true,
callback = function()
-- This is a bit of a hack, but if you run bufdelete immediately
-- the shell can occasionally freeze
vim.api.nvim_buf_delete(bufnr, {})
elseif not is_blocking then
-- If it's a normal file, then reopen the terminal, then switch back to the newly opened window
-- This gives the appearance of the window opening independently of the terminal
block_end = function()
-- After blocking ends (for a git commit, etc), reopen the terminal
The name is inspired by the flatten function in Rust (and maybe other languages?), which flattens nested types (Option<Option<T>>
-> Option<T>
, etc).
The plugin itself is inspired by nvim-unception
, which accomplishes the same goal but functions a bit differently and doesn't allow as much configuration.
Lazy loading this plugin is not recommended - flatten should always be loaded as early as possible. Starting the host is essentially overhead-free other than the setup() function as it leverages the RPC server started on init by Neovim, and loading plugins before this in a guest session will only result in poor performance. ↩