AsterNET.ARI is an incubation project and addition to the AsterNET framework for .NET. It allows you to develop against Stasis ARI for Asterisk using the .NET framework.
PM> Install-Package AsterNET.ARI
- Support for ARI Events
- Support for ARI Actions
- Support for ARI Models
- Middleware Support
- AsterNET ARI Proxy
- Async/Await Support
- Supports ARI up to Asterisk 13.5
Join in the conversation on Freenode, #asternet
We are trying to ensure all .NET libs used are both .NET and mono compatible so ARI applications can be run on both windows and linux or any other OS with .NET or mono implementations.
coming soon
- Simple Bridge Example - demonstrates how to create a bridge, play MOH on it and add and remove channels from the bridge.
- Record and Playback - Demonstrates how to record and playback on a channel.
- Simple Conference Example Sample Conference application using ARI.
- ari-examples ARI Samples managed by the Asterisk ARI Team (asternet.ari examples end with .cs)
You can read about AsterNET.ARI and the original AsterNET framework on my blog: or follow me on twitter (@benjmerrills) to get involved.