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Brandon Shutter brandonatdashtag

@Dashtag-Platforms-Inc United States of America

Blake Jarvis mura94
XR Development, 3D rendering, data visualization
Full Stack FullstackCodingGuy
Passionate Software Professional, "Learning by doing, breaking things, fixing them, and then sharing the 'oops' moments so you don’t have to. 🚀"

Bangalore, India

sol_lee sol-namoo
반갑습니다🙋🏻‍♀️ 프론트엔드 개발을 하고 있습니다
Joel Zachariah EXT-OWL

@CITY-17-INTERACTIVE Kerala, India

Filip faca69

Skopje, Macedonia

Clod claudioGrosso
Full Stack Developer

Kaufland e-commerce Berlin, Germany

Christoffer Artmann Artmann
👋 I'm a Software Engineer and Product Manager living in sunny Barcelona.

Deepnote Barcelona

Peter Castler PeterCastler
Creative Technologist
Khang Le khanglvg

Zalo Group, VNG Corporation. 182 Le Dai Hanh Dr, District 11, HCM city, VietNam.

ozaki OzakIOne
Interested in TS & React
Viraj Sandakelum virajSandakelum
👩‍🏫Don't forget your beginner's mind. 👨‍💻 Hard Worker, in front of the laptop 🧑‍🎓Computer Science Undergraduate.💻

University of Colombo School of Computing Piliyandala, Sri Lanka

Sina Ghiasi Sina-Ghiasi
I'm Sina Ghiasi, a Bachelor's degree in software engineering at University of Science and Culture And a Front-end Developer.


Profile avatar source:
Gusti Panji Widodo lacrisun
currently into LLMs

Pekanbaru, Indonesia

Alexander Wang dragonman225
Developer of @tableos, curved-arrows, Jade, and Notablog. Using React, TypeScript, Vite, Valtio, and ProseMirror.
Moncef dhkouri moncefdhk999
Administrative Conference

all organisation United states

Noah hjkimw
3D Web Developer

EO Seoul, republic of Korea

yolocat yolocat-dev
doing my thing 🐈


Kenny • 餉尓 • ケニー KennyOliver
TypeScript, React, Bash, Express, Firebase, SQL, SCSS, Git, Docker, and more

Undergrad CS Student London, UK • Suffolk, UK

DongHee Kang k-lpmg

@groo-Inc Seoul, Korea

Eric Friday ericbfriday
Minneapolis based developer who adores JavaScript.

NMDP Minneapolis, MN

Mohammed Amr Ilawy
Software engineering student at the Information Technology Institute ITI

ITI Cairo, Egypt

StEve YoUng BuptStEve
Run like a hk journalist!

XMFLS | BUPT | @Tencent BeiJing China

Bono ipod1g
I study Physics, but coding was too fun...

Hong Kong

Game Developer past 10+ years, Multiplayer, Casual games, Tools Development, Unity Certified Expert Previously worked at UnityTechnologies, Disney and more
Arthur Guiot arguiot
Versatile developer specialised in mobile, web, blockchain and desktop apps.

@pr1mer-tech San Francisco - Paris

Lucas Napomucena lucasnapomucena
Front-End Engineer

Porto - Portugal

M kiily
Lead Developer, FLOWN

@flown-dev London