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HeisenBerg? wanghaisheng
chinese name sound like hyson


Flávio Pavim flaviopavim
Skills with lot types of softwares: Web, Desktop, Mobile - Php&MySql, Javascript, Html, Css, Python, Dart, Java, C, C++, C#, Arduino


Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Kevin Butler Ryman
Have some phun


CyMaster CyMasterDev
I like coding, science, art and designing stuff. Developer. 3D Artist. Designer. Discord: @cymaster32. Founder of Blackwell labs

Blackwell Labs United Kingdom 🇬🇧

Lewin Kelly Heliodex
Svelte, TS, Luau, Go etc. The Unlicense is the greatest piece of text that humanity has ever been blessed with. 🟩 💚

@tp-link-extender Scotland

Detective Pikachu FrenzyExists
CE student x software maniac. Proud 🇵🇷. At 98% University. Former GEHC Intern Summer 2024.

Hewlett Packard Enterprises | University of Puerto Rico Aguadilla, Puerto Rico

NkiHrk nkihrk LLC Tokyo, Japan

Connor Forsyth connorwforsyth
Design Technologist from Melbourne, Australia.

@Designit 💻

Nick Liebmann Liebmann5
"And how about Marla Hooch. What a hitter." - A League of Their Own

Santa Clarita, CA

Mohammed Sagban nyoDev
Moblie & full-stack developer

@celestifyhq Iraq, Baghdad

Paras Daryanani parasdaryanani
Helping businesses build better software @celestifyhq • AI/Web/Mobile • Ex-Airbus engineer • Always learning 🚀

@celestifyhq Bristol, UK

Maksym champion10874
Full Stack Developer | AI Engineer
Michael Scott Hertzberg moimikey

?! Washington, DC

Himanshu Ahuja himanshu-ntml
CTO - Nicole the Math Lady

Nicole the Math Lady USA


Alipay Hangzhou, China

Lap ItsLap
Coding all the time!

Owner of @zeondev England

Kat21 datkat21
Hey there! 👋

United States

Alex Anderson alexanderson1993
Code Poet. Husband. Spaceship enthusiast.

@Thorium-Sim Salt Lake City, UT

Poom Yimyuean lebrancconvas
Area of Interest: Web Dev, Game Dev, Data Science, Computer Graphics, Web Automation, Functional Programming, Multimedia and Language Learning.

Work from Any Workplace {"Thailand": ["Bangkok", "Surat Thani"]}

Arvind 0x4rv1nd
Student, Hacker and Developer Building Software's for the OpenSource
प्रथमेश prathamesh-dukare
Somewhere something incredible is waiting to be known - carl sagan


Yannis Panagis yp717
Technical Lead @BehaviourLab MEng Electrical and Electronic Engineering @imperial '21

Behaviour Lab London, United Kingdom

Jesper Carlsson Coredump74

Coredump Network Solutions Norrköping, Sweden

sam murphy sam-murph08
19 Hillcrest Road Baldock Hertfordshire
Imaduddin Haetami artidataio
JS/TS and React developer with R experience.


Jake Moreland jakeymoreland
React, Tailwind, Remix, React Native, Expo, Supabase, Typescript, AWS, AWS-CDK, #Amplify, App Development.


Ruslan Konviser evereq
Building Ever® - The Everything Platform for Businesses™ @ever-co

@ever-co Worldwide

Saidur Rahman srsajjad
Hacking stuff with JavaScript

Dhaka, Bangladesh

< cr-eative-dev /> cr-eative-dev
Software Developer • 3D Technical Artist • Designer • Blockchain