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Aman Bhargava bhargavaman

Stallions Marketing Solutions India

Ashutosh Sajan AshutoshSajan
Full Stack (MERN) developer.


Zeyu Huang zzilch
Zeyu Huang. Ph.D

Shenzhen University Shenzhen

J. A. Cooper cooperjaXC
@ccaoa Director of GIS Research

@CCAoA Virginia


The Science City HK

Next.js Web Developer

@entagk Sohag Egypt

Vikash Kodati vikashkodati
Entrepreneur at, angel investor in AI/space startups, IITGAA Treasurer, space enthusiast, humanitarian, family-focused & PNW nature lover seeking

Godel Space Seattle, WA

DK47 D-47k
🖤 #revolutionary 🇳🇱 "Doe Wat ik Doe"


I'm a trained geologist focusing on geospatial data science. Currently a data science intern at Reveal Global Consulting.
ChingRu rutopio
⅓ Nyctophile + ⅓ Selenophile + ⅓ Thalassophile


Axel Duret axelduret

Clairveillance Geneva, Switzerland

Cláudio Ramos cjramos-shift
Desenvolvedor Full Stack

IMendes Soluções Empresariais Araraquara, São Paulo

John Freier gofullthrottle
I like building stuff. @Pangeam @VSTeam (Statricks) @EdgeLake

@Pangeam @VSTeam @EdgeLake Silicon Valley, CA

Ivan Labozhevich nothingmind
🧿 Frontend or Full Stack JS Engineer

Null Undefined

Rizwan hameed rizwan-signon
Software developer Front End Developer Data structures and Algorithm learner intrested in space and astronomy(Quantum Studies)

Kohat university of science and technlogy islamabad pakistan

Erfan Faridi Erfan-ffa
Software Enthusiast At @NeshanMaps

@alibaba-aero Mashhad , Iran

Matthew Royal masyukun

MongoDB Sacramento, CA, USA

Spock gitliubo
It’s never too late to believe in yourself.


Gellé Matthieu matthieu-gll
Big fan of docker, directus, next.js and tailwindcss stack. I love my job and making sure to always be one commit ahead of master.

Lille, 59000, FRANCE

Ezio TristaoEzio
Hello, I'm Ezio. I'm a Mobile Application Developer • Blockchain • Artificial Intelligence • Machine Learning


Henrique Azank dos Santos Henrique-Azank
Software Engineer | Biochemical Engineer

Canac Processamento de Dados São Paulo