- Remove CSV import functionality
- Update pyproject.toml for poetry 2
- Smartmin doesn't concern itself with formax
- Support Django 5.1
- Revert "Update xlrd library"
- Update xlrd library
- Merge pull request #194 from nyaruka/update-deps
- Update deps
- Change default button name for update views to just Save
- Add related names and replace auto_now_add on user app models
- Support Python 3.12
- Update password recovery link validity time to 1 hour
- Rework perms again, this time to configure the perms for each app individually
- Refactor permissions code
- Add SMARTMIN_DEFAULT_MESSAGES setting to allow disabling of automatic messages for create and update views
- Merge pull request #185 from nyaruka/dependabot/pip/sqlparse-0.5.0
- Bump sqlparse from 0.4.4 to 0.5.0
- Merge pull request #184 from nyaruka/dependabot/pip/pillow-10.3.0
- Bump pillow from 10.2.0 to 10.3.0
- Merge pull request #183 from nyaruka/dependabot/pip/black-24.3.0
- Merge pull request #182 from nyaruka/dependabot/pip/django-5.0.3
- Bump black from 23.11.0 to 24.3.0
- Bump django from 5.0 to 5.0.3
- Merge pull request #180 from nyaruka/dependabot/pip/pillow-10.2.0
- Bump pillow from 10.1.0 to 10.2.0
- Support django 5.0
- Merge pull request #178 from nyaruka/update-deps
- Update deps
- Merge pull request #176 from nyaruka/dependabot/pip/pillow-10.0.1
- Bump pillow from 9.5.0 to 10.0.1
- Fix for python 3.11
- Update CI test versions and dev deps
- Allow all views to override title using title field
- Bump django from 4.1.6 to 4.1.7
- Allow Django 4.1 and newer versions of celery and redis
- Use latest Django 4.0.* and test against Django 4.1.*
- Remove broken and unused middleware classes
- Bump pillow from 8.4.0 to 9.0.0
- Add NOOP migrations created by change in Django 4.0
- Use timezone.utc instead of pytz.UTC
- Update allowed Django versions to < 4.1 and replace removed functions
- Update to celery 5.1
- Replace the default SmartView.as_json implementation with a NotImplementedError as it can never work
- Ad support for Django 3.2 LTS
- Add support for Form.Meta.labels and Form.Meta.help_texts
- Fix pagination index
- Fix thumbnail widget to only use sorl function if we have an image value
- Revert redis downgrade
- Use thumnail image in the image widget when we have the sorl thumbnail installed
- Downgrade xlrd dep to 1.2.0
- Update deps, downgrading redis requirement
- Rework login view so we can reuse it more easily when user isn't determined by form
- Add data migrations to remove all failed logins
- Replace FailedLogin user field by username
- Merge pull request #143 from nyaruka/forget-password-email-no-user-settings
- Merge pull request #142 from nyaruka/update-jquery
- Disable sending emails to address without user in the system
- Add settings to configure whether we send email when no user is found, default to False
- Update jquery
- Bump CI testing to PG 11 and 12
- Convert to poetry
- Tweak collec_sql verbose logging and add test for dropping functions
- Fix collect_sql not tracking overloaded functions
- Drop support for Python 3.5
- Test against Postgres 10 and 11
- Fix collect_sql not catching indexes using UNIQUE
- Don't use a transaction for CSV import tasks
- Fix domain names in forgot password emails
- Test against PostgreSQL 10
- Add support for Django 2.1
- Fix CSV import file_path truncation
- Stop embedding refresh code on pages that don't have View.refresh set
- Add support for Django 2.0, drop support for Django 1.9 and Django 1.10
- Drop support for Python2
- Create SmartminTestMixin #116
- add 'create_anonymous_user' method that will ensure that anonymous user exists
- Fix Python 3 exception usage #114
- Fix Python 3 issue with comparing ints and None #113
- Fix collect_sql when objects of different types have same name #111
- Add collect_sql and migrate_manual management commands #108
- Strip whitespace from usernames on the login form #106
- Make sure that we don't strip whitespaces on password fields (default Django behaviour)
- Paging fix #105
- Replace custom class_from_string with Django's import_string
- Support Django 1.10 new middleware style
- Fix date widget so that initial values are correctly formatted
- Add support for Django 1.11, drop support for Django 1.8
- Remove django-guardian (no more object-level or anonymous user permissions)
- Updated datepicker Javascript library #101
- Fix bug when form field is bound to empty many-to-many relation #102
- Add status_code arg to assertRedirect to allow checking of different redirect types
- Make jQuery inclusion into block which can be overridden
- Fix bug on list views when search string is empty #94
- Replace usage of auto_now and auto_now_add with overridable defaults #93
- JSON views updated to use MIME type application/json
- Add SmartObjectActionView
- Add task_status field on ImportTask replacing celery result use for task status #89
- Support for Django 1.10
- Fixed filename length bug in CSV imports #85
- Fixed some Python 3.5 and migration issues #83
- Fixed some Python 3 issues #82
- Support for Django 1.9
- Support for Django 1.8
- Releases now published to pypi
- Support for Django 1.7
- Support for Django 1.4
- Added datepicker widget as default for date fields
- Added imagethumbnail widget as default for images
- Added sorting functionality
- Add subfield lookups for all 'field' configurations
- Initial version