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132 lines (102 loc) · 3.96 KB

File metadata and controls

132 lines (102 loc) · 3.96 KB

DONE BUG return stack overflow when tests.lsp gets too long

lots of strange bugs when that file gets to large

sometimes it exists early when a function is too large or sometimes it has compile errors (leaving 0 items on stack) when the filename is a few chars longer....

TODO fix problem with constants/quoted in dumped image

need to compile allocation code instead of saving pointer as constant?

strings, cons, etc

DONE improve dropping of local values

nip instead >r drop r>

DONE BUG (println (println 1))

DONE BUG fix lisp comment parsing error

TODO error messages when trying to interpret a compile only form

-> the repl now compiles all forms before executing, so this is not as important.

TODO support multiple return values

(set a b (fn))

TODO error messages for undefined variable or function

DONE error message for incorrect argument count

TODO include line and column number in error messages

TODO floating point support

TODO garbage collection

DONE improve string interning

DONE move all lisp words into their own wordlist?

avoids overwriting common forth words so that a ‘forth shell’ can still be useful

symbols are currently in their own list but primitive functions are still global

=> not using wordlists, but all symbols are in a custom structure now

TODO support 0x, 0b, etc for reading numbers in alternative bases

currently have to use forth number prefixes

TODO obarrays

oblists, actually

can be simply implemented as wordlists

like the ‘symbols’ wordlist that’s used for interning strings but expose the wordlists as a user type

TODO replace maybe-ret with return-lit

TODO BUG functions with empty body

TODO compile multiple drops with 2drop

DONE improve the compilation of ‘list’

(list 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0) => 19 17 15 13 11 9 7 5 3 1 0 cons cons cons cons cons cons cons cons cons cons

instead do something like this: 19 17 15 13 11 9 7 5 3 1 0 10 Ncons

TODO tests for local getters/setters

(def test-locals (x y) (var a 1) (var b 2) (var c 3) (var d 4) (var e 5) (var f 6) (println (list x y a b c d e f)) (test “locals 1” (equal? (list x y a b c d e f) (list 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 ))) (set x (+ x 1)) (set y (+ y 1)) (set a (+ a 1)) (set b (+ b 1)) (set c (+ c 1)) (set d (+ d 1)) (set e (+ e 1)) (set f (+ f 1)) (println (list x y a b c d e f)) (test “locals 2” (equal? (list x y a b c d e f) (list 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7))))

(test-locals 0 0)

DONE BUG s” cons” intern

then fix s” xcons” for type-of

DONE non-recursive version of mapcar

TODO BUG boundp returns t if symbol is interned

TODO BUG error when ‘when’ is the last form in a function

DONE have the REPL compile forms into temporary function

TODO ` , ,@

TODO support \ escape when reading character literals

DONE BUG (eq? ‘defun ‘defun) is broken

That’s expected, symbols are not interned by default

(eq? ‘defun ‘defun) => nil

(eq? defun defun) => t

(eq? (intern ‘defun) (intern ‘defun)) => t

DONE BUG (str-count string “”)

DONE BUG (list)

TODO combine fields for function arg and return lengths into a single word

TODO (set var value) should have better error message if var is undeclared

DONE repl in Emacs Eshell echoes the input. normal terminal does not

DONE BUG (var x (list 3 4 2))

The repl should evaluate the arguments in a function and assign back to var instead of interpreting the whole expression

TODO lambda functions

TODO repl limitation - symbols cannot be interned

or anything else that allocates space on the dictionary

maybe compile the _repl function at an offset?

or don’t put symbols on the dictionary

DONE BUG (eq? (read “nil”) nil)

(type-of nil) => integer (type-of (read “nil”)) => symbol

TODO BUG: (type-of (read “1”)) => symbol

happens intermittently

seems related to the file size somehow, works in repl, fails when unrelated lines are added or removed
