Releases: langgenius/dify
Releases · langgenius/dify
Version 0.3.17
What's Changed
- feat: adjust hf max tokens by @takatost in #979
- feat: add baichuan prompt by @takatost in #985
- chore: update lintrc config by @MatriQ in #986
- feat: optimize baichuan prompt by @takatost in #988
- feat: optimize xinference stream by @takatost in #989
- fix: xinference-chat-stream-response by @takatost in #991
- feat: bump version to 0.3.17 by @takatost in #992
Full Changelog: 0.3.16...0.3.17
Version 0.3.16
What's Changed
- normalize embedding by @JohnJyong in #974
- feat: optimize hf inference endpoint by @takatost in #975
- fix: add hf task field by @takatost in #976
- Fix:condition for dataset availability check by @yezhwi in #973
- feat: upgrade xinference to 0.2.1 which support stream response by @takatost in #977
New Contributors
Full Changelog: 0.3.15...0.3.16
Version 0.3.15
New features
- feat: add spark v2 support by @takatost in #885
- feat: server xinference support by @takatost in #927
- feat: add openllm support by @takatost in #928
What's Changed
- feat: support app rename and make app card ui better by @iamjoel in #766
- fix: promptEng menu in wrong place by @iamjoel in #864
- fix: get_num_tokens_from_messages params error by @takatost in #866
- fix multi thread app context by @JohnJyong in #868
- feat: optimize error record in agent by @takatost in #869
- Update by @Panmuse in #867
- Update by @Panmuse in #865
- feat: optimize override app model config convert by @takatost in #874
- feat: optimize model when app create by @takatost in #875
- Feat/customizable file upload config by @MatriQ in #818
- build: improve dockerfile by @MatriQ in #851
- feat: optimize prompt of suggested_questions_after_answer by @takatost in #881
- fix: web dockfile by @zxhlyh in #883
- fix: wenxin error not raise when stream mode by @takatost in #884
- feat: add spark v2 support by @takatost in #885
- feat: support show model display name by @iamjoel in #887
- fix: error raise status code not exist by @takatost in #888
- Feat/pay modal by @zxhlyh in #889
- fix: max token not exist in generate summary when calc rest tokens by @takatost in #891
- feat: claude paid optimize by @takatost in #890
- Fix/embedding chat by @zxhlyh in #899
- fix entrypoint script line endings by @JunIce in #900
- fix: sensitive_word_avoidance npe by @takatost in #902
- fix: react router agent direct output by @takatost in #904
- fix: universal chat when default model invalid by @takatost in #905
- feat: optimize output parse by @takatost in #906
- Feat/segment add tag by @zxhlyh in #907
- Feature/mutil embedding model by @JohnJyong in #908
- feat: optimize service api authorization header invalid error by @takatost in #910
- feat: remove unuse envs by @takatost in #912
- fix: run model serval ex not return by @takatost in #915
- fix: run extra model serval ex not return by @takatost in #916
- fix: azure embedding model credentials include base_model_name is invalid for openai sdk by @takatost in #917
- Fix/price calc by @lingfengchencn in #862
- fix: embedding price config by @takatost in #918
- feat: record price unit in messages by @takatost in #919
- fix: embedding get price definition missing by @takatost in #922
- fix: replicate text generation model validate by @takatost in #923
- feat: optimize generate name length by @takatost in #924
- fix: document paused at format error by @takatost in #925
- Fix typo error. by @BenjaminX in #926
- feat: server xinference support by @takatost in #927
- feat: add openllm support by @takatost in #928
- fix: xinference max_tokens alisa error by @takatost in #929
- feat: add xinference embedding model support by @takatost in #930
- fix: remove openllm pypi package because of this package too large by @takatost in #931
- fix: web reader tool missing nodejs by @takatost in #932
- feat: optimize web reader summary in 3.5 by @takatost in #933
- Feat/token support by @JohnJyong in #909
- Feat/add document status tooltip by @zxhlyh in #937
- fix: xinference chat support by @takatost in #939
- fix: login improvement by @MatriQ in #941
- fix: default language improvement in activation page by @MatriQ in #942
- chore: perfect type definition by @jiaowoxiaobala in #940
- fix: add flex-wrap to categories container by @MatriQ in #944
- fix: openllm generate cutoff by @takatost in #945
- fix: provider model not delete when reset key pair by @takatost in #946
- Fix/speech to text button by @zxhlyh in #947
- update document segment by @JohnJyong in #948
- fix: segment error tip & save segment disable when loading by @zxhlyh in #949
- Feat/model providers by @zxhlyh in #951
- fix: xinference chat completion error by @takatost in #952
- chore: create btn to first place by @iamjoel in #953
- chore: obsolete info api use new api by @iamjoel in #954
- fix: spark provider field name by @zxhlyh in #955
- fix: embedding init err by @takatost in #956
- update document segment by @JohnJyong in #950
- fix: web reader tool retrieve content empty by @takatost in #957
- Feat/add xinference openllm provider by @zxhlyh in #958
- feat: bump version to 0.3.15 by @takatost in #959
- fix: user activation request 404 issue by @MatriQ in #963
- update doc by @crazywoola in #965
- fix: activation page reload issue after activating by @MatriQ in #964
Full Changelog: 0.3.14...0.3.15
Version 0.3.14
What's Changed
- update llms by @crazywoola in #835
- update doc by @crazywoola in #838
- Update by @crazywoola in #840
- Update by @crazywoola in #839
- fix: var config content can not be saved by @iamjoel in #841
- fix: change config string variable limit by @MatriQ in #837
- fix: setting modal margin by @zxhlyh in #849
- fix: frontend permission check by @MatriQ in #784
- chore: handle provider name capitalization by @iamjoel in #855
- feat: rename title in site both rename name in app by @takatost in #857
- fix: dataset direct output by @takatost in #860
- feat: bump version 0.3.14 by @takatost in #861
Full Changelog: 0.3.13...0.3.14
Version 0.3.13
- Support editing OPENAI_API_BASE in configuration modal.
- Added support for more model providers:
- 🤗 HuggingFace
- Replicate
- Minimax
- 讯飞星火
- 通义千问
- 文心一言
- ChatGLM
What's Changed
- feat: remove llama index citation by @takatost in #679
- fix: server side render trigger GitHub api rate limit by @iamjoel in #685
- fix: not annotation error in log by @takatost in #686
- Add Devcontainer Support for Remote Development by @guangtouwangba in #682
- feat: add queue to celery task by @takatost in #688
- Fix/app logs today filter by @zxhlyh in #689
- feat: fix completion log error by @takatost in #692
- Add trobleshooting notes for devcontainer by @guangtouwangba in #687
- fix web style by @JunIce in #684
- add embedding max retries by @JohnJyong in #699
- feat: dashboard add tps chart by @iamjoel in #706
- feat: fix azure completion choices return empty by @takatost in #708
- fix: can not choose emoji by @jiaowoxiaobala in #716
- fix: abnormal styles by @jiaowoxiaobala in #711
- fix(web): fix style override issue by @JunIce in #713
- perf:repeated select workspace by @jiaowoxiaobala in #710
- fix: segment resort in dataset retrieve by index_node_id_to_position by @takatost in #721
- fix: explore app list grid style conflict and remove useless style by @iamjoel in #725
- feat: add doc by @crazywoola in #728
- refactor: move dev packages to devDependencies by @shunyue1320 in #719
- Fix: hide qa in cloud version by @JzoNgKVO in #729
- fix: generate_more_like_this function issue by @MatriQ in #722
- fix: package changed made build pipe fail by @iamjoel in #731
- Update by @Panmuse in #730
- fix: package changed made build pipe fail again by @iamjoel in #732
- fix: unable to open switch by @jiaowoxiaobala in #726
- Update by @Panmuse in #735
- fix: wrong version tag of base docker image by @takatost in #739
- fix: text copy issue by @MatriQ in #723
- perf: operational feedback by @jiaowoxiaobala in #749
- feat: optimize multi platform image build by @takatost in #754
- refactor: Added project name to Docker Compose command by @shunyue1320 in #753
- fix: modify app name & icon raise 401 by @takatost in #759
- feat: add app icon modify route by @takatost in #760
- fix: chatbot not show all in small screen by @iamjoel in #765
- lint: frontend linting issues by @MatriQ in #744
- fix: doc links by @MatriQ in #763
- fix: doc issue in #757 by @crazywoola in #767
- fix: Install page redirects to signin if Dify finished setup. by @MatriQ in #762
- fix: members page z-index bug by @MatriQ in #768
- Fix/disable site when change code by @crazywoola in #775
- fix i is not incremented due to violating the uniqueness constraint w… by @lixiaoyin-221 in #771
- Add Ruby's SDK implement code. by @BenjaminX in #786
- fix: add missing code by @crazywoola in #788
- fix: remove ruby from repo due to main gitignore by @crazywoola in #790
- feat: add readme by @crazywoola in #791
- fix: automatically create tenant for user by @MatriQ in #793
- build: fix .dockerignore file by @MatriQ in #800
- fix bug desc/copyright/privacy_policy none by @lingfengchencn in #796
- feat: server multi models support by @takatost in #799
- feat: frontend multi models support by @takatost in #804
- Revert "Fix/disable site when change code" by @takatost in #805
- Feat/only tag arm64 build by @takatost in #806
- feat: temp remove paid option of anthropic by @takatost in #807
- feat: optimize error logging by @takatost in #808
- fix: label by @crazywoola in #809
- only admin and owner can delete app by @conghaoyuan in #810
- feat: frontend remove gpt4 check by @iamjoel in #815
- fix: completion error when dataset was deleted by @takatost in #819
- feat: optimize error raise by @takatost in #820
- feat: optimize message return by @takatost in #822
- Fix/no trial provider by @takatost in #823
- Feature/fix disable site by @crazywoola in #825
- Fix 802 by @crazywoola in #826
- feat: add system default model help tip by @zxhlyh in #827
- Feat/add free provider apply by @takatost in #829
- Feat/apply free quota by @zxhlyh in #828
- fix #794 input bug by @lingfengchencn in #801
- fix: free quota tip by @zxhlyh in #831
- feat: bump version to 0.3.13 by @takatost in #830
New Contributors
- @guangtouwangba made their first contribution in #682
- @shunyue1320 made their first contribution in #719
- @MatriQ made their first contribution in #722
- @lixiaoyin-221 made their first contribution in #771
- @BenjaminX made their first contribution in #786
- @lingfengchencn made their first contribution in #796
- @conghaoyuan made their first contribution in #810
Full Changelog: 0.3.12...0.3.13
Version 0.3.12
- dataset supports QA-style segmentation.
- dataset segmentation supports custom editing.
What's Changed
- Update LICENSE by @goocarlos in #663
- fix: next version by @zxhlyh in #666
- fix: app config speech-to-text feature by @zxhlyh in #665
- feat: chat add page title by @iamjoel in #667
- fix: dataset retrieve npe when dataset desc is null by @takatost in #669
- Feat: Q&A format segmentation support by @JzoNgKVO in #668
- Feat/QA dataset support by @JohnJyong in #671
- logging qa error by @JohnJyong in #672
- Feat/add thread control by @JohnJyong in #675
- fix: agent parse result error by @takatost in #676
- add qa thread control by @JohnJyong in #677
- feat: bump version to 0.3.12 by @takatost in #674
New Contributors
- @goocarlos made their first contribution in #663
Full Changelog: 0.3.11...0.3.12
Version 0.3.11
- 🤖 We have released the universal chat, which now supports searching, reading web pages and wikipedia. We implemented this using the
function call
agent strategy.
What's Changed
- Fix/application configuration preview style by @zxhlyh in #597
- fix: quick switch and click create conversation button may caused fetch conversation list error by @iamjoel in #603
- fix(web): fix #596 copy-to-clipboard issue by @JunIce in #602
- feat: embed into other site support set custom host by @yuhao1118 in #580
- chore: minify embed js by @iamjoel in #604
- Feat/clean vector dataset by @JohnJyong in #605
- add clean unused dataset command by @JohnJyong in #609
- fix: azure openai deployment list was deprecated suddenly by @takatost in #611
- fix: azure openai embedding model name error by @takatost in #612
- fix(web): fix Embedded copy status when toggle options by @JunIce in #621
- fix: Top P description error by @iamjoel in #624
- fix(web): using Tooltip unique selector key by @JunIce in #622
- downgrade next version by @zxhlyh in #626
- fix(web): fix svg unrecognized props by @JunIce in #631
- Perf: Support for password display and hiding by @Selenium39 in #636
- fix: switch workspace by @zxhlyh in #642
- Feat/application config user input field collapse by @zxhlyh in #643
- fix: site enable check by @crazywoola in #645
- feat: replace the end user column in the web page Log & Ann. with the… by @TheFu527 in #653
- feat: universal chat in explore by @takatost in #649
- feat: chat in explore support agent by @iamjoel in #647
- Feat/application api add speech to text by @zxhlyh in #655
- feat: fix dataset retrieve agent llm not support error by @takatost in #656
- fix: return message error in blocking mode by @takatost in #657
- fix: use sharp logo replace old logo by @iamjoel in #658
- feat: add current time tool in universal chat agent by @takatost in #659
- feat: enchance chat user experience by @iamjoel in #660
- feat: optimize current time by @takatost in #661
- feat: bump version to 0.3.11 by @takatost in #654
- feat: support query date tool by @iamjoel in #662
New Contributors
- @JunIce made their first contribution in #602
- @Selenium39 made their first contribution in #636
- @TheFu527 made their first contribution in #653
Full Changelog: 0.3.10...0.3.11
Version 0.3.10
What's Changed
- Update by @Panmuse in #576
- Update by @Panmuse in #575
- Feat: hide password setting and invitation link in cloud version by @JzoNgKVO in #581
- Fix/use embedded chatbot with no track mode by @zxhlyh in #582
- Feat/add ruby sdk by @crazywoola in #583
- feat: remove davinci required model from azure provider by @takatost in #586
- fix: azure provider select error when use custom azure provider by @takatost in #587
- index add to db when dataset updated by @JohnJyong in #588
- feat: bump 0.3.10 by @takatost in #589
- fix: anthropic completion error in blocking mode by @takatost in #591
- feat: add bash before in Dockerfile by @takatost in #592
- Feat/header ssr by @zxhlyh in #594
- Fix/new conversation in mobile phone by @zxhlyh in #593
Full Changelog: 0.3.9...0.3.10
Version 0.3.9
- We supported the latest
Anthropic Claude-2
LLM! 🤩
What's Changed
- fix setting-modal provider encrypted tip style by @zxhlyh in #565
- fix: table too wide fix text generation ui by @iamjoel in #566
- fix: account check in runtime by @takatost in #569
- add document limit check by @JohnJyong in #570
- fix: change chatbot avart to dify icon by @iamjoel in #571
- feat: claude api support by @takatost in #572
- feat: frontend support claude by @iamjoel in #573
- feat: bump version to 0.3.9 by @takatost in #574
Full Changelog: 0.3.8...0.3.9
Version 0.3.8
- Chat apps can be embedded into webpages 💻
- Completion apps can batch generate results and export them as files 📁
- The Self-hosted edition can invite members and activate them via an invitation link 🔗
What's Changed
- Feature/use jwt in web by @crazywoola in #533
- fix jwt in web by @zxhlyh in #545
- fix: mobile not auto show generation res by @iamjoel in #544
- fix: api doc update conversation list api to real response by @iamjoel in #548
- convert audio wav to mp3 by @zxhlyh in #552
- Feat/embedding by @zxhlyh in #553
- feat: batch run support export as csv file by @iamjoel in #556
- fix: regeneration not clear like status and sub more items by @iamjoel in #557
- fix: user cancel conversation show error by @iamjoel in #558
- Feature/add delete to service by @crazywoola in #555
- feat: member invitation and activation by @JzoNgKVO in #535
- feat: bump version to 0.3.8 by @takatost in #559
Full Changelog: 0.3.7...0.3.8