Better vim.ui.input
-- lazy.nvim
---@type snacks.Config
opts = {
input = {
-- your input configuration comes here
-- or leave it empty to use the default settings
-- refer to the configuration section below
---@class snacks.input.Config
---@field enabled? boolean
---@field win?|{}
---@field icon? string
---@field icon_pos? snacks.input.Pos
---@field prompt_pos? snacks.input.Pos
icon = " ",
icon_hl = "SnacksInputIcon",
icon_pos = "left",
prompt_pos = "title",
win = { style = "input" },
expand = true,
Check the styles docs for more information on how to customize these styles
backdrop = false,
position = "float",
border = "rounded",
title_pos = "center",
height = 1,
width = 60,
relative = "editor",
noautocmd = true,
row = 2,
-- relative = "cursor",
-- row = -3,
-- col = 0,
wo = {
winhighlight = "NormalFloat:SnacksInputNormal,FloatBorder:SnacksInputBorder,FloatTitle:SnacksInputTitle",
cursorline = false,
bo = {
filetype = "snacks_input",
buftype = "prompt",
--- buffer local variables
b = {
completion = false, -- disable blink completions in input
keys = {
n_esc = { "<esc>", { "cmp_close", "cancel" }, mode = "n", expr = true },
i_esc = { "<esc>", { "cmp_close", "stopinsert" }, mode = "i", expr = true },
i_cr = { "<cr>", { "cmp_accept", "confirm" }, mode = { "i", "n" }, expr = true },
i_tab = { "<tab>", { "cmp_select_next", "cmp" }, mode = "i", expr = true },
i_ctrl_w = { "<c-w>", "<c-s-w>", mode = "i", expr = true },
i_up = { "<up>", { "hist_up" }, mode = { "i", "n" } },
i_down = { "<down>", { "hist_down" }, mode = { "i", "n" } },
q = "cancel",
---@alias snacks.input.Pos "left"|"title"|false
---@class snacks.input.Opts: snacks.input.Config,{}
---@field prompt? string
---@field default? string
---@field completion? string
---@field highlight? fun()
---@type fun(opts: snacks.input.Opts, on_confirm: fun(value?: string)):
---@param opts? snacks.input.Opts
---@param on_confirm fun(value?: string)
Snacks.input.input(opts, on_confirm)