Package condition contains some functions for conditional judgment. eg. And, Or, TernaryOperator... The implementation of this package refers to the implementation of carlmjohnson's truthy package, you may find more useful information in truthy, thanks carlmjohnson.
import (
Returns the truthy value of anything.
If the value's type has a Bool() bool method, the method is called and returned.
If the type has an IsZero() bool method, the opposite value is returned.
Slices and maps are truthy if they have a length greater than zero.
All other types are truthy if they are not their zero value.
func Bool[T any](value T) bool
package main
import (
func main() {
// bool
result1 := condition.Bool(false)
result2 := condition.Bool(true)
fmt.Println(result1) // false
fmt.Println(result2) // true
// integer
result3 := condition.Bool(0)
result4 := condition.Bool(1)
fmt.Println(result3) // false
fmt.Println(result4) // true
// string
result5 := condition.Bool("")
result6 := condition.Bool(" ")
fmt.Println(result5) // false
fmt.Println(result6) // true
// slice
nums := []int{}
result7 := condition.Bool(nums)
nums = append(nums, 1, 2)
result8 := condition.Bool(nums)
fmt.Println(result7) // false
fmt.Println(result8) // true
// struct
result9 = condition.Bool(struct{}{})
fmt.Println(result8) // false
// Output:
// false
// true
// false
// true
// false
// true
// false
// true
// false
Returns true if both a and b are truthy.
func And[T, U any](a T, b U) bool
package main
import (
func main() {
fmt.Println(condition.And(0, 1)) // false
fmt.Println(condition.And(0, "")) // false
fmt.Println(condition.And(0, "0")) // false
fmt.Println(condition.And(1, "0")) // true
Returns false if neither a nor b is truthy.
func Or[T, U any](a T, b U) bool
package main
import (
func main() {
fmt.Println(condition.Or(0, "")) // false
fmt.Println(condition.Or(0, 1)) // true
fmt.Println(condition.Or(0, "0")) // true
fmt.Println(condition.Or(1, "0")) // true
Returns true if a or b but not both is truthy.
func Xor[T, U any](a T, b U) bool
package main
import (
func main() {
fmt.Println(condition.Xor(0, 0)) // false
fmt.Println(condition.Xor(0, 1)) // true
fmt.Println(condition.Xor(1, 0)) // true
fmt.Println(condition.Xor(1, 1)) // false
Returns true if neither a nor b is truthy.
func Nor[T, U any](a T, b U) bool
package main
import (
func main() {
fmt.Println(condition.Nor(0, 0)) // true
fmt.Println(condition.Nor(0, 1)) // false
fmt.Println(condition.Nor(1, 0)) // false
fmt.Println(condition.Nor(1, 1)) // false
Returns true if both a and b or neither a nor b are truthy.
func Xnor[T, U any](a T, b U) bool
package main
import (
func main() {
fmt.Println(condition.Xnor(0, 0)) // true
fmt.Println(condition.Xnor(0, 1)) // false
fmt.Println(condition.Xnor(1, 0)) // false
fmt.Println(condition.Xnor(1, 1)) // true
Returns false if both a and b are truthy
func Nand[T, U any](a T, b U) bool
package main
import (
func main() {
fmt.Println(condition.Nand(0, 0)) // true
fmt.Println(condition.Nand(0, 1)) // true
fmt.Println(condition.Nand(1, 0)) // true
fmt.Println(condition.Nand(1, 1)) // false
Checks the value of param `isTrue`, if true return ifValue else return elseValue
func Ternary[T, U any](isTrue T, ifValue U, elseValue U) U
package main
import (
func main() {
conditionTrue := 2 > 1
result1 := condition.Ternary(conditionTrue, 0, 1)
conditionFalse := 2 > 3
result2 := condition.Ternary(conditionFalse, 0, 1)
// Output:
// 0
// 1
Checks the value of param `isTrue`, if true return ifValue else return elseValue
⚠️ This function is deprecated. useTernary
func TernaryOperator[T, U any](isTrue T, ifValue U, elseValue U) U
package main
import (
func main() {
conditionTrue := 2 > 1
result1 := condition.TernaryOperator(conditionTrue, 0, 1)
conditionFalse := 2 > 3
result2 := condition.TernaryOperator(conditionFalse, 0, 1)
// Output:
// 0
// 1