- UPDATE #1 (Mar, 2019) -
Medium.com API is no longer supported. - UPDATE #2 (May, 2020) - Seems like Medium now allows you to create self-access tokens. API is operational again
Looks like Medium does not support API anymore. The post with API info has been taken down - https://blog.medium.com/welcome-to-the-medium-api-3418f956552 (Unlisted)
Sample android app for medium. It showcases process of generating Android Retrofit 2 api-client library from OpenAPI specification and how to use the ApiClient
and retrofit.
DISCLAIMER: This application code has been generated using activity template provided in Android Studio. It is intended to showcase use of client library generated by swagger client. No effort has been made to follow industry's best practices for developing android apps. If you are interested in learning best practices for developing android apps, please follow Google's official guides found here: https://github.com/googlesamples/android-architecture
Install swagger codegen to be able to generate library specific code for certain language. For this example, we are going to generate Retrofit 2 compliant Java library for medium.com using OpenAPI specification found in medium-api-specification.
swagger-codegen generate --input-spec medium-api-specification.yaml --lang java --library retrofit2 --output medium-api-android-retrofit-client
NOTE: If you haven't installed
via MacOSX's brew, you may replaceswagger-codegen
withjava -jar swagger-codegen-cli.jar
to use the jar distribution.
After successfull execution, it will generate code in destination folder defined by --output
directory. Here is a snapshot of generated code found in this repository.
Once code is generated, you may choose any of the available options.
- Option 1: Copy all the files under generated source and import in android project (Used this method in current project - See
gradle module). - Option 2: You can execute
gradle build
to build jar file that can be included in your android project. - Option 3: Use their
file to host library in maven repo
During my testing I found bug in generated ApiClient
class related to ApiKey authentication. Update following block of code to make it compatible with api key authentication.
On createDefaultAdapter()
method implementation, after okBuilder
is created, add the interceptors to builder.
public void createDefaultAdapter() {
// ... more code above ...
okBuilder = new OkHttpClient.Builder();
// [DEV NOTE: Added custom code to add interceptors for authorizations]
for (Map.Entry<String, Interceptor> entry : apiAuthorizations.entrySet()) {
// .. more code below ...
Here is my github gist of modified ApiClient
Report this issue to swagger-codegen project.
Once you have generated code with modification mentioned above, you can use your generated self-issued access tokens from medium.com's user settings to access the endpoints.
Create an instance of ApiClient
using following code.
final String AUTH_ID_API_KEY = "BearerToken"; // Auth ID for "apiKey" security defined in API specification
final String BEARER = "Bearer"; // For header based API-Key authentication
final String TOKEN = ""; // Your self-issued access tokens
private ApiClient apiClient;
apiClient = new ApiClient(AUTH_ID_API_KEY, BEARER + " " + TOKEN);
Once you have the api client instance, you can create retrofit service class and invoke the api. See Retrofit for more info.
Here is an example of invoking /me
api endpoint using asynchronous call (Source: MainActivity.java)
UsersApi usersApi = apiClient.createService(UsersApi.class);
Call<UserResponse> userResponseCall = usersApi.meGet();
userResponseCall.enqueue(new Callback<UserResponse>() {
public void onResponse(Call<UserResponse> call, Response<UserResponse> response) {
if(response.isSuccessful()) {
User userInfo = response.body().getData();
// Use the `userInfo` object to update UI
} else {
// API access denied - show message (eg. `response.errorBody().source().toString()` )
public void onFailure(Call<UserResponse> call, Throwable t) {
// Network request failed.
Example to publications/{publicationId}/contributors
API call can also be found at PublicationListActivity.java
If you are interested in RxJava, you can generate retrofit+rxjava client library using the following command line
swagger-codegen generate --input-spec medium-api-specification.yaml --lang java --library retrofit2 -DuseRxJava=true --output medium-api-android-retrofit-rxjava-client
See swagger-codegen project's documentation for more hidden features ^_^
This project is subject to The MIT License (MIT).