1. Introduction
2. Quickstart
3. About the project
3.1. Design goals
3.2. Roadmap
3.3. Contributing
3.4. Documentation
3.5. Releases
3.6. Changelog
4. Jodosoft.Numerics
4.1. Fixed-point numbers
4.2. Non-overflowing numbers
4.3. Framework for numbers
4.4. Structures
4.5. Random extensions
4.6. Performance considerations
5. Jodosoft.Geometry (preview)
6. Jodosoft.Collections (preview)
7. Jodosoft.Primitives
7.1. Random variants
7.2. Default providers
7.3. Shims
7.4. Binary IO Extensions
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Welcome to The Jodosoft Libraries, a project to make simple, reliable .NET libraries covering numerics, geometry and data structures.
This document describes the goals of the project, the features of each library, and steps for getting started.
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To install a Jodosoft library, use your NuGet package manager or run dotnet add, e.g.
dotnet add Jodosoft.Numerics
No configuration or dependency injection is required. Simply import the relevant Jodosoft namespace and begin using the types in your code.
using Jodosoft.Numerics;
var fixedPointNumber = (Fix64)1.234;
Most platforms and versions of .NET are supported, and the libraries can be used freely in commercial work under the terms of the MIT License.
The available libraries are:
- Jodosoft.Numerics - extra number types (such as fixed-point and non-overflowing) that support maths, string-parsing, operators and more.
- Jodosoft.Geometry (preview) - shapes, angles and trigonometric functions that work with number types from Jodosoft.Numerics
- Jodosoft.Collections (preview) - data-structures, utilities and collection abstractions
- Jodosoft.Primitives - utilities and abstractions used throughout the Jodosoft libraries
* * *
The Jodosoft Libraries started as a collection of classes from the personal projects of Joe Lawry-Short. The types have been reorganized, refactored, and tested rigorously with the aim of making them useful for the .NET community.
This section describes the design goals, roadmap, and other details of the project.
The table below summarizes the design goals of the project.
Item | Description |
Simple |
The Jodosoft Libraries are designed to provide simple data structures and algorithms to use as the building blocks for more complex applications. As a rule of thumb, nothing within the libraries should require configuration or dependency injection. A competent developer should be able to use the libraries intuitively, without needing to refer to extensive API documentation. The libraries adhere to the .NET Framework Design Guidelines to ensure ease-of-use and consistency with the .NET API. |
Reliable |
The Jodosoft Libraries are designed to be dependable. Unit tests, benchmarks, and continuous integration tools are used to ensure they remain fit for purpose. Unit tests are designed to cover boundary conditions, edge-cases, and error scenarios—not just happy paths. Code coverage is used, but is not considered to be the definitive metric of adequate testing. The code coverage target is 90%.
The pull request validation build executes the tests against multiple .NET targets and operating systems.
This helps to ensure that the libraries behave as intended and are unaffected by .NET implementation details.
Currently, this includes .NET 7 ( |
Compatible |
The Jodosoft Libraries are designed to work with a wide array of .NET versions, platforms and programming languages.
.NET Standard 2.0 (
Newer targets, such as .NET Standard 2.1 ( Language-agnostic naming conventions are used and public types are marked as CLS compliant wherever possible. This ensures that the libraries can be used in F# and Visual Basic as well as in their native language, C#. Care is taken to avoid name clashes with types from the .NET API or commonly-used NuGet packages. Semantic Versioning is used so that version numbers convey the presence of breaking changes, and package validation is used to ensure backwards compatibility within each major version. |
Maintainable |
The source code of the Jodosoft Libraries is designed to be easy to understand and change. SonarCloud and CodeFactor are used to detect code smells such as unused variables or overly complex functions.
The project files are configured to flag as many issues as possible. Warnings are only suppressed in exceptional circumstances, and suppression tags are always accompanied by a justification message. |
The table below summarizes the high-level development goals for upcoming versions of the Jodosoft Libraries.
Version | Goals |
2.1.0 |
2.2.0 |
2.3.0 |
2.4.0 |
3.0.0 |
Community contributions are welcome at https://github.com/Jodosoft/Libraries (the home of this repository). A list of reported issues can be found at https://github.com/Jodosoft/Libraries/issues. Contributors are requested to adhere to the code of conduct.
This work is licensed under the MIT License.
Work-in-progress API documentation is available at https://libraries.jodosoft.com/docs.
Builds of this project are available as NuGet packages on NuGet.org (for help, see: "Quickstart: Install and use a package").
Binaries are available on GitHub.com at https://github.com/Jodosoft/Libraries/releases.
Alternatively the libraries can be built from the source code in this repository using Visual Studio Community Edition (or alternative) with nothing more than the appropriate .NET SDKs. Every released version is tagged in the repository's history.
The following table summarizes the changes that were made for each published version of the Jodosoft Libraries.
Version | Release date | Changes |
2.0.0-preview1 |
2023-09-04 |
1.1.0 |
2022-12-07 |
1.0.0 |
2022-10-15 |
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Provides custom number types, numeric utilities, and a generic interface for defining numbers.
Unlike floating-point numbers, fixed-point numbers maintain a constant degree of precision regardless of magnitude. This can be useful in situations where precision remains important whilst numbers grow. As a trade-off, fixed-point numbers have a much lower maximum magnitude than floating-point numbers of the same size.
Fix64 and UFix64 are fixed-point number types with 6 decimal digits of precision. As with all number types provided by this library, they support a full range of mathematical functions, operators, conversions, string formatting, etc. (see §4.3. Framework for numbers).
using Jodosoft.Numerics;
using System;
Fix64 x = 100;
Fix64 y = 2 * MathN.Cos(x);
Fix64 z = Fix64.Parse("1000000.123456");
Fix64 r = new Random(1).NextNumeric<Fix64>(100, 200);
float f = ConvertN.ToSingle(z);
byte[] bytes = BitConverterN.GetBytes(y);
Console.WriteLine(x); // output: 100
Console.WriteLine(y); // output: 1.724636
Console.WriteLine(z); // output: 1000000.123456
Console.WriteLine(r); // output: 124.866858
Console.WriteLine(f); // output: 1000000.1
Console.WriteLine(bytes.Length); // output: 8
The table belows summarizes the capabilities of these types.
Type | Description |
readonly struct Fix64 |
Signed fixed-point number type with 6 decimal digits of precision, represented internally by a 64-bit integer. Supports a range of values from ±1.0 x 10−6 to ±9.2 x 1012. |
readonly struct UFix64 |
Unsigned fixed-point number type with 6 decimal digits of precision, represented internally by an unsigned 64-bit integer. Supports a range of values from 1.0 x 10−6 to 1.8 x 1013. |
static class Scaled |
Provides static methods for performing arithmetic and string conversion on integers with a scaling factor. Used in the implementation of Fix64 and UFix64. |
Number types in the Jodosoft.Numerics.Clamped namespace have built-in prevention of overflow. Operations that would normally error or overflow instead return MinValue
or MaxValue
, and operations that would normally return NaN
instead return zero.
This provides an alternative to using the checked
keyword, removing the need for repetitive error handling logic.
As with all number types provided by this library, non-overflowing number types support a full range of mathematical functions, operators, conversions, string formatting, etc. (see §4.3. Framework for numbers).
var i = Int32M.MaxValue + 1;
Console.WriteLine(i); // output: 2147483647
var f = (SingleM)4 / 0;
Console.WriteLine(f); // output: 3.402823E+38
The table below summarizes the non-overflowing number types and utilities provided by this library:
Type | Description |
readonly struct ByteM, SByteM, Int16M, UInt16M, Int32M, UInt32M, Int64M, UInt64M |
Non-overflowing variants of the built-in integral number types. Operations that would normally overflow from positive to negative instead return |
readonly struct SingleM, DoubleM |
Non-overflowing variants of the built-in floating-point number types. Operations that would normally return |
readonly struct DecimalM |
Non-overflowing variants of System.Decimal. Operations that would normally overflow from positive to negative instead return |
readonly struct Fix64M, UFix64M |
Non-overflowing variants of fixed-point numbers (see §4.1. Fixed-point numbers). Operations that would overflow instead return |
static class Clamped |
Provides static methods for performing non-overflowing arithmetic. Used in the implementation of the preceeding non-overflowing number types. |
The INumeric<TSelf> interface provides a definition for number types with support for operators, maths, string-conversion, random generation, and more.
Static utility classes, such as MathN and ConvertN, expose these features in a way that is similar to .NET API.
using Jodosoft.Numerics;
using System;
MyNumberType fromLiteral = 3.123;
MyNumberType usingOperators = (fromLiteral + 1) % 2;
MyNumberType usingMath = MathN.Pow(fromLiteral, 2);
MyNumberType fromRandom = new Random(1).NextNumeric<MyNumberType>(10, 20);
MyNumberType fromString = MyNumberType.Parse("-7.4E+5");
short conversion = ConvertN.ToInt16(usingMath);
string stringFormat = $"{fromLiteral:N3}";
byte[] asBytes = BitConverterN.GetBytes(usingMath);
The table below gives a full list of features supported by number types that implement INumeric<TSelf>.
Feature | Description |
static class MathN |
Provides equivalent methods to System.Math for types that implement INumeric<TSelf>, e.g. var result = MathN.Log10(1000 * MathN.PI<MyNumberType>()); |
static class BitConverterN |
Provides equivalent methods to System.BitConverter for types that implement INumeric<TSelf>, allowing conversion to and from byte arrays. byte[] result = BitConverterN.GetBytes((MyNumberType)256.512); |
static class ConvertN |
Provides equivalent methods to
for types that implement INumeric<TSelf>
(e.g. var defaultResult = ConvertN.ToNumeric<ByteN>(199.956, Conversion.Default);
var castResult = ConvertN.ToNumeric<ByteN>(199.956, Conversion.Cast); |
static class Numeric |
Provides access to constants and static methods for number types in a generic context. public void ExampleMethod<T>() where T : struct, INumeric
var zero = Numeric.Zero<T>();
var parsed = Numeric.Parse<T>("1.2");
var isFinite = Numeric.IsFinite(parsed);
} |
Overloaded operators |
All the number types in this library have a full suite of overloaded operators, including:
Additionally, INumeric<TSelf> defines overloads for Note: The bitwise and shift operators are overloaded for non-integral types. These operators perform the correct bitwise operations, but are unlikely to produce useful results. |
String formatting |
All the number types in this library can be used with numeric format strings, as in the following code sample: var var1 = (MyNumberType)1023;
var var2 = (MyNumberType)99.54322f;
Console.WriteLine($"{var1:N}"); // outputs: 1,023.00
Console.WriteLine($"{var1:X}"); // outputs: 3FF
Console.WriteLine($"{var2:E}"); // outputs: 9.954322E+001
Console.WriteLine($"{var2:000.000}"); // outputs: 099.543 |
Random generation | Extension methods on System.Random provide randomly generated values. Values can be generated between bounds or without bounds.
var var1 = Random.NextNumeric<MyNumberType>();
var var2 = Random.NextNumeric<MyNumberType>(100, 120);
Console.WriteLine(var1); // outputs: 0.405808417991177 (example)
Console.WriteLine(var2); // outputs: 102.85086051826445 (example) |
Binary streaming | Extension methods on System.IO.BinaryReader and System.IO.BinaryWriter allow number types to be represented as simple binary using streams.
MyNumberType value = 3.141;
using Stream stream = new MemoryStream(new byte[8]);
using BinaryWriter writer = new BinaryWriter(stream);
using BinaryReader reader = new BinaryReader(stream);
stream.Position = 0;
var result = reader.Read<MyNumberType>();
Console.WriteLine(result); // output: 3.141 |
Commonly-used abstractions | All the number types in this library implement System.IComparable, System.IComparable<T>, System.IConvertible, System.IEquatable<T>, System.IFormattable and System.ISerializable. They also override Equals(object) , GetHashCode() and ToString() , and have the DebuggerDisplay attribute. |
readonly struct ByteN, SByteN, Int16N, UInt16N, Int32N, UInt32N, Int64N, UInt64N, SingleN, DoubleN, DecimalN |
Wrappers for the built-in numeric types that implement INumeric<TSelf>, allowing them to be used in a generic context. |
Numeric structures, such as vectors, are provided for use in mathematical applications. These structures are generic on number type, supporting any implementation of INumeric<TSelf> (see §4.3. Framework for numbers). The table below summarizes the available structs and accompanying utilities.
Type | Description |
readonly struct UnitN<TNumeric> |
A wrapper for numeric types that clamps values between -1 and 1 (or 0 and 1 when unsigned). |
readonly struct Vector2N<TNumeric> |
A collection of two numeric values, X and Y , with extensive interface and operator support. |
readonly struct Vector3N<TNumeric> |
A collection of three numeric values, X , Y and Z , with extensive interface and operator support. |
static class Vector2N |
Provides static methods for performing vector-based mathematics on instances of Vector2N<TNumeric>, such as dot product. |
static class Vector3N |
Provides static methods for performing vector-based mathematics on instances of Vector3N<TNumeric>, such as dot product. |
Extension methods for System.Random add support for generating every built-in number type and types that implement INumeric<TSelf> (see §4.3. Framework for numbers).
Overloads are provided that allow greater flexibility with bounds via the Generation
Generation.Default |
Uses the conventions established System.Random. |
Generation.Extended |
Bounds are inclusive, and can be specified in any order. |
using Jodosoft.Numerics;
using System;
var value1 = new Random().NextDouble(double.MinValue, double.MaxValue); // Returns any finite double.
var value2 = new Random().NextUInt64(200, 100, Generation.Extended); // Returns a ulong between 100 and 200 (inclusive).
The number types provided by this library are structs that wrap built-in types and operations. Therefore they require additional memory and CPU time compared to using the built-in types alone.
Additionally, the number types within the Jodosoft.Numerics.Clamped namespace make use of the checked keyword for conversion and arithmetic. This further increases CPU time compared to using unchecked operations, especially in cases of overflow.
If developing a performance-sensitive application, use a profiler to assess the impact of introducing these types. Generally speaking, the impact is likely to be acceptable unless CPU-bound arithmetic is already on the hot path for the given application (e.g. in machine learning or 3D physics applications).
Benchmarks are provided to facilitate comparison with the built-in number types. To run the benchmarks, clone this repository then build and run Jodosoft.Numerics.Benchmarks in RELEASE mode (without a attaching a debugger).
Sample output can be seen below:
Jodosoft.Numerics.Benchmarks - Results from 2022-09-28 07:58:50Z
- Processor: 11th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-11800H @ 2.30GHz
- Architecture: x64-based processor
- .NET Version: .NET 5.0.17
- Architecture: X64
- OS: win10-x64
- Seconds per Benchmark: 60.0
Subjects "(1)_Versus_(2)" | Operations Per Second (1) | Operations Per Second (2) | Average Time (1) | Average Time (2) | Relative Speed (1) | Relative Speed (2) |
Fix64Logarithm_Versus_DoubleLogarithm | 7.789E+06 | 5.183E+07 | <1μs | <1μs | 0.15 | 6.65 |
Fix64Rounding_Versus_DoubleRounding | 3.846E+07 | 3.637E+07 | <1μs | <1μs | 1.06 | 0.95 |
Fix64StringParsing_Versus_DoubleStringParsing | 1.842E+07 | 1.973E+07 | <1μs | <1μs | 0.93 | 1.07 |
Fix64Random_Versus_DoubleRandom | 2.4E+07 | 3.995E+07 | <1μs | <1μs | 0.60 | 1.66 |
Fix64ToByteArray_Versus_DoubleToByteArray | 4.831E+07 | 4.876E+07 | <1μs | <1μs | 0.99 | 1.01 |
Fix64FromByteArray_Versus_DoubleFromByteArray | 5.29E+07 | 5.225E+07 | <1μs | <1μs | 1.01 | 0.99 |
Int32NArithmetic_Versus_Int32Arithmetic | 5.03E+07 | 5.282E+07 | <1μs | <1μs | 0.95 | 1.05 |
Int32MArithmetic_Versus_Int32Arithmetic | 4.425E+07 | 5.215E+07 | <1μs | <1μs | 0.85 | 1.18 |
SingleNArithmetic_Versus_SingleArithmetic | 4.122E+07 | 5.623E+07 | <1μs | <1μs | 0.73 | 1.36 |
SingleMArithmetic_Versus_SingleArithmetic | 3.418E+07 | 5.634E+07 | <1μs | <1μs | 0.61 | 1.65 |
DoubleNArithmetic_Versus_DoubleArithmetic | 4.129E+07 | 5.565E+07 | <1μs | <1μs | 0.74 | 1.35 |
DoubleMArithmetic_Versus_DoubleArithmetic | 3.402E+07 | 5.527E+07 | <1μs | <1μs | 0.62 | 1.62 |
DoubleNDivision_Versus_DoubleDivision | 4.833E+07 | 5.392E+07 | <1μs | <1μs | 0.90 | 1.12 |
DoubleNLogarithm_Versus_DoubleLogarithm | 4.913E+07 | 5.244E+07 | <1μs | <1μs | 0.94 | 1.07 |
DoubleNRounding_Versus_DoubleRounding | 3.396E+07 | 3.597E+07 | <1μs | <1μs | 0.94 | 1.06 |
* * *
Provides geometric structs and utilities that support custom number types.
Coming soon (see section 2.2. "Roadmap")
* * *
Provides extra collection classes and interfaces to complement the .NET API.
Coming soon (see section 2.2. "Roadmap")
Provides utilities and abstractions that are used throughout the Jodosoft Libraries.
Provides a specification for randomly generating objects based on variants (described below). This feature is used extensively by the Jodosoft test libraries to ensure that tests cover a variety of scenarios. Although the exact definition of each variant is left to the implementor, the following table serves as a guide:
Variant | Description |
Defaults | Null, zero, or any other default state for a given object. |
LowMagnitude | Small values and values with reduced significance. |
AnyMagnitude | Any value from the set of all possible values, excluding errors. |
Boundaries | Minimum and maximum values. |
Errors | Values that are typical of error scenarios, or values intended to elicit errors. |
All | Encompasses all variants. |
NonError | Encompasses all variants, except for errors. |
Extension methods are provided for System.Random to enable random generation of values within each variant.
var random = new Random();
short num1 = random.NextVariant<Int16N>(Variants.LowMagnitude);
short num2 = random.NextVariant<Int16N>(Variants.Defaults | Variants.Boundaries);
Console.WriteLine(num1); // output: 24 (example)
Console.WriteLine(num2); // output: -32768 (example)
Documentation tbc
Documentation tbc
Documentation tbc
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