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File metadata and controls

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Troubleshooting for production issues

This page enumerates some common user facing issues around GCSFuse and also discusses potential solutions to the same.

Generic Mounting Issue

Most of the common mount point issues are around permissions on both local mount point and the Cloud Storage bucket. It is highly recommended to retry with --foreground --log-severity=TRACE flags which would provide much more detailed logs to understand the errors better and possibly provide a solution.

Mount successful but files are not visible

Try mounting the gcsfuse with --implicit-dirs flag. Read the semantics to know the reasoning.

Mount failed with fusermount3 exit status 1

It comes when the bucket is already mounted in a folder, and we try to mount it again. You need to unmount first and then remount.

version GLIBC_x.yz not found

GCSFuse should not be linking to glibc. Please either export CGO_ENABLED=0 in your environment or prefix CGO_ENABLED=0 to any go build|run|test commands that you're invoking.

Mount get stuck with error: DefaultTokenSource: google: could not find default credentials

Run gcloud auth application-default login command to fetch default credentials to the VM. This will fetch the credentials to the following locations:

  1. For linux - $HOME/.config/gcloud/application_default_credentials.json
  2. For windows - %APPDATA%/gcloud/application_default_credentials.json

Input/Output Error

It’s a generic error, but the most probable culprit is the bucket not having the right permission for Cloud Storage FUSE to operate on. Ref - here

Generic NO_PUBKEY Error - while installing Cloud Storage FUSE on ubuntu 22.04

It happens while running - sudo apt-get update - working on installing Cloud Storage FUSE. You just have to add the pubkey you get in the error using the below command: sudo apt-key adv --keyserver --recv-keys <PUBKEY> And then try running sudo apt-get update

Cloud Storage FUSE fails with Docker container

Though not tested extensively, the community reports that Cloud Storage FUSE works only in privileged mode when used with Docker. There are solutions which exist and claim to do so without privileged mode, but these are not tested by the Cloud Storage FUSE team

SetUpBucket: OpenBucket: Bad credentials for bucket BUCKET_NAME: permission denied

Log may look similar to this daemonize.Run: readFromProcess: sub-process: mountWithArgs: mountWithStorageHandle: fs.NewServer: create file system: SetUpBucket: OpenBucket: Bad credentials for bucket BUCKET_NAME: permission denied

Check the bucket name. Make sure it is within your project. Make sure the applied roles on the bucket contain storage.objects.list permission. You can refer to them here.

SetUpBucket: OpenBucket: Unknown bucket BUCKET_NAME: no such file or directory

Log may look similar to this daemonize.Run: readFromProcess: sub-process: mountWithArgs: mountWithStorageHandle: fs.NewServer: create file system: SetUpBucket: OpenBucket: Unknown bucket BUCKET_NAME: no such file or directory

Check the bucket name. Make sure the service account has permissions to access the files. It must at least have the permissions of the Storage Object Viewer role.

mount: running fusermount: exit status 1 stderr: /bin/fusermount: fuse device not found, try 'modprobe fuse' first

Log may look similar to this - daemonize.Run: readFromProcess: sub-process: mountWithArgs: mountWithStorageHandle: Mount: mount: running fusermount: exit status 1 stderr: /bin/fusermount: fuse device not found, try 'modprobe fuse' first

To run the container locally, add the --privilege flag to the docker run command: docker run --privileged

  • You must create a local mount directory
  • If you want all the logs from the mount process use the --foreground flag in combination with the mount command: gcsfuse --foreground --log-severity=TRACE $GCSFUSE_BUCKET $MNT_DIR
  • Add --log-severity=TRACE for enabling debug logs

Cloud Storage FUSE installation fails with an error at build time.

Only specific OS distributions are currently supported, learn more about Installing Cloud Storage FUSE.

Cloud Storage FUSE not mounting after reboot when entry is present in /etc/fstab with 1 or 2 as fsck order

Pass _netdev option in fstab entry (reference issue here). With this option, mount will be attempted on reboot only when network is connected.

Cloud Storage FUSE get stuck when using it to concurrently work with a large number of opened files (reference issue here)

This happens when gcsfuse is mounted with http1 client (default) and the application using gcsfuse tries to keep more than value of --max-conns-per-host number of files opened. You can try (a) Passing a value higher than the number of files you want to keep open to --max-conns-per-host flag. (b) Adding some timeout for http client connections using --http-client-timeout flag.

Permission Denied error.

Please refer here to know more about permissions (e.g. Issue:mkdir: cannot create directory ‘gcs/test’: Permission denied. User can check specific errors by enabling logs with --log-severity=TRACE flags.
Solution - depending upon the use-case, you can choose one of the following options.

  • If you are explicitly authenticating for a specific service account by providing say a key-file, then make sure that the service account has appropriate IAM role for the operation e.g. roles/storage.objectAdmin, roles/storage.objectUser
  • If you are using the default service account i.e. not specifying a key-file, then ensure that
    • The VM's service account has got the required IAM roles for the operation e.g. roles/storage.objectUser to allow read-write access.
    • The VM's scope has been appropriately set. You can set the scope to storage-full to give the VM full-access to the cloud-storage buckets. For this:
      • Turn-off the instance
      • Change the VM's scope either by using the GCP console or by executing gcloud beta compute instances set-scopes INSTANCE_NAME --scopes=storage-full
      • Start the instance

Bad gateway error while installing/upgrading GCSFuse:

Err: gcsfuse-focal/main amd64 gcsfuse amd64 1.2.0
502 Bad Gateway [IP: 80]

This error is seen when the url used in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/gcsfuse.list file uses HTTP protocol instead of HTTPS protocol. Run the following commands to update /etc/apt/sources.list.d/gcsfuse.list file with the https:// url.
$ sudo rm /etc/apt/sources.list.d/gcsfuse.list
$ export GCSFUSE_REPO=gcsfuse-$(lsb_release -c -s)
$ echo "deb $GCSFUSE_REPO main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/gcsfuse.list

Repository changed 'Origin' and 'Label' error while running apt-get update command:

E: Repository ' gcsfuse-focal InRelease' changed its 'Origin' value from 'gcsfuse-jessie' to 'namespaces/gcs-fuse-prod/repositories/gcsfuse-focal'
E: Repository ' gcsfuse-focal InRelease' changed its 'Label' value from 'gcsfuse-jessie' to 'namespaces/gcs-fuse-prod/repositories/gcsfuse-focal'
N: This must be accepted explicitly before updates for this repository can be applied. See apt-secure(8) manpage for details.

Use one of the following commands to upgrade to latest GCSFuse version
sudo apt-get update --allow-releaseinfo-change
sudo apt update -y && sudo apt-get update

Unable to unmount or stop GCSFuse

Unable to unmount or stop GCSFuse due to an error message like:fusermount: failed to unmount: Device or resource busy or umount: /path/to/mountpoint: target is busy.
This typically indicates active processes are using files or directories within the GCSFuse mount.
Find the process ID of GCSFuse:
BUCKET=<Enter your bucket name>
MOUNT_POINT=<Enter your mount point>
PID=$(ps -aux &#124; grep "gcsfuse.*$BUCKET.*$MOUNT_POINT" &#124; grep -v grep &#124; tr -s ' ' &#124; cut -d' ' -f2)
Kill the GCSFuse process:
sudo kill -SIGKILL "$PID"
Unmount GCSFuse
fusermount -u $"MOUNT_POINT"

mount: exec: "fusermount": executable file not found in $PATH`

Unable to mount with the following error daemonize.Run: readFromProcess: sub-process: Error while mounting gcsfuse: mountWithArgs: mountWithStorageHandle: Mount: mount: exec: "fusermount": executable file not found in $PATH

Fuse package is not installed. It may throw this error. Run the following command to install fuse
sudo apt-get install fuse for Debian/Ubuntu
sudo yum install fuse for RHEL/CentOs/Rocky

ls: reading directory <mountpath>/<path>: Input/output error

Find out if you have any object(s) with name/prefix having // in it or starting with /, in the mounted GCS bucket (use gsutil ls gs://<bucket>/<path> to find out). If yes, move/rename such objects to name/prefix not having // or starting with / (e.g. for object/prefix A//B, use gsutil -m mv -r gs://<bucket>/A//* gs://<bucket>/A/), or delete it (use gsutil -m rm -r A//). Refer semantics for more details.

Experiencing hang while executing "ls" on a directory containing large number of files/directories.

By default ls does listing but sometimes additionally does stat for each list entry. Additional stat on each entry slows down the entire ls operation and may look like hang, but in reality is iterating one by one and slow. There are two ways to overcome this:

  • Get rid of stat: Execute without coloring ls --color=never or \ls to remove the stat part of ls.
  • Improve the stat lookup time: increase the metadata (stat + type) cache ttl/capacity which is populated as part of listing and makes the stat lookup faster. Important to note here, ls will be faster from the first execution itself as cache is populated in listing phase, leading to quicker stat lookup for each entry.

GCSFuse Errors on Google Cloud Console Metrics Dashboard: "CANCELLED ReadObject" & "NOT_FOUND GetObjectMetadata"

Both these errors are expected and part of GCSFuse standard operating procedure. More details here.

GCSFuse logs showing errors for StatObject NotFoundError

StatObject(\"<object_name>") (<time>ms): gcs.NotFoundError: storage: object doesn't exist". This is an expected error. Please refer to NOT_FOUND GetObjectMetadata section here.

Empty directory doesn't obey "--kernel-list-cache-ttl-secs" ttl.

In case a new file is added to the empty directory remotely, outside of the mount, the client will not be able to see the new file in listing even if ttl is expired.

Please don't use kernel-list-cache for multi node/mount-point file create scenario, this is recommended to be used only for read only workloads, e.g. for Serving and Training workloads. Or you need to create a new file/directory from the mount to see the newly added remote files.

fuse: *fuseops.FallocateOp error: function not implemented or similar function not implemented errors

This is an expected error for file operations unsupported in FUSE file system (details here).

Error "transport endpoint is not connected"

It is possible customer is seeing the error "transport endpoint is not connected" because if the previous mount crashed or a mounted filesystem or device was abruptly disconnected or the mounting process failed unexpectedly, the system might not properly update its mount table. This leaves a stale entry referencing a resource that's no longer available.

Solution: Run the command mount | grep "gcsfuse". If you find any entries, unmount the corresponding directory multiple times until all the entries cleared up and then try to remount the bucket.

Additional troubleshooting steps:

  • Try to unmount and mount the mount-point using the command: umount -f /<mount point> && mount /<mount point>
  • Try restarting/rebooting the VM Instance.

If it's running on GKE, the issue could be caused by an Out-of-Memory (OOM) error. Consider increasing the memory allocated to the GKE sidecar container. For more info refer here.

GCSFuse crashes with fatal error: sync: unlock of unlocked mutex or Panic: Inode 'a/' cannot have child file ''

Solution: This happens when the mounting bucket contains an object with suffix /\n like, gs://gcs-bkt/a/\n You need to find such objects and replace them with any other valid gcs object names. - How?

OSError [ErrNo 28] No space left on device

The Writes in GCSFuse are staged locally before they are uploaded to GCS buckets. It takes up disk space equivalent to the size of the files that are being uploaded concurrently and deleted locally once they are uploaded. During this time, since the disk is used, this error may come up.

The path can be configured by using the mount flag --temp-dir to a path which has the disk space if available. By default, it takes the /tmp directory of the machine. (sometimes may be limited depending on the machine ).

Alternatively, from GCSFuse version 2.9.1 onwards, writes can be configured with streaming writes feature ( which doesnt involve staging the file locally ) with the help of --enable-streaming-writes flag