Releases: Questie/Questie
Releases · Questie/Questie
General Fixes
- Also show manual objects in dungeons
- Fixed Blizzard quest timer showing on login
- Fixed error when running multiple auto accept addons
- Fixed level settings to allow max 85 instead of 90 for Cata
Quest Fixes
- Adjusted prequest for You Have Our Thanks
- Fixed prequest for Finding the Phylactery
- Fixed turn-in location for "Scarlet Activities"
- Initial Hinterlands quest fixes horde cata
- Initial quest fixes for End Time
- Put objectives for Take Them Down! in the right order
- Quest fixes for Maraudon cata
- Quest fixes for RFK horde cata
- Quest fixes for Razorfen Downs cata
- Quest fixes for Sunken Temple cata
- Quest fixes for Uldaman cata
- Quest fixes for Zul'Farrak cata
- Removed pre-quest from "An Issue of Trust"
- Rest of quest fixes for The Hinterlands horde cata
Database Fixes
- Adjusted Gnomeregan spawns
- Adjusted spawns for Murkgill Forager, Murkgill Warrior
- An Old History Book no longer starts quest in cata
- Big Game Hunter is not elite in cata
- Blacklisted precata engineering quests
- Cleanup of Gnomeregan and Thunder Bluff old quests
- Fixed sources of "Vile Fin Scale"
- Removed patrol path from Chef Grual
- Show the legendary daggers quest chain
- Standardized the NPC corrections
- Standardized the object corrections
- Updated comment on The Mosh'Ogg Bounty
- Updated coords for Overlord Runthak
- Updated sources for Whispering Blue Stone
Localization Fixes
- Streamline sorting of languages (#6904)
@BreakBB, @anon1231823, @anon1231823, @Cabro, @anon1231823, @chun-chi Hung
New Features
- Added Cataclysm category to MyJourney
General Fixes
- Bump interface version for Cata patch 4.4.2
- Disallow auto turn in on "Argent Quartermaster"
- Fixed error when showing quest details of some quests in the Journey
Quest Fixes
- Added new version of "Elemental Distress"
- Added tooltip for The Princess Unleashed
- Adjusted nextquestinchain for The New Forsaken, Garren's Haunt, Trouble at the Sludge Fields
- Adjusted prequest for Dangerous Intentions
- Adjusted prequest for Darkhound Pounding
- Adjusted prequest for No One Here Gets Out Alive
- Adjusted prequest for Start Taking Back
- Adjusted prequests for Break in Communications: Dreadwatch Outpost, On Her Majesty's Secret Service
- Adjusted prequests for Iterating Upon Success
- Adjusted prequests for Skitterweb Menace, Orcs are in Order
- Fixed class requirements for the Tarecgosa quest chain
- Fixed class requirements of Argent Dawn glove quests
- Fixed names of Argent Dawn glove quests
- Heroes of the Horde! has prequest
- Hide "Investigate the Scourge of X" on Anniversary servers
- Marked multiple Argent Dawn quests as repeatable
- Polished Silverpine Forest quest cata
- Quest fixes for Arathi Highlands horde cata
- Quest fixes for Hillsbrad Foothills cata
- The Durnholde Challenge chain quest will show in tooltips
- Updated prequest for A Lost Lad
Database Fixes
- Added new spawns of "Brother Luctus"
- Blacklisted An Unholy Alliance, Delivery to the Sepulcher
- Blacklisted some nonexistent dungeon quests cata
- Fixed class requirements for Echo Isles quests
- Fixed race requirement for The Keys to the Hot Rod
- Kingslayer Orkus spawn
- Marked Big Game Hunter as elite quest
- Marked Sigil of Trollbane as elite quest
- Marked Trol'kalar as elite quest
- Spawn for Kingslayer Orkus
- Spawn for Lord Itharius in Sunken Temple
- Updated SoD NPCs
- Updated SoD items
- Wailing Caverns should show icons on map cata
Localization Fixes
- Character normalization.
- Re-add missing translations for the DBM HUD settings
- Uniform "item" terms in zhCN/zhTW.
- Uniform "object" terms in zhCN/zhTW.
- Uniform "objective" terms in zhCN/zhTW.
- Uniform statements of "item" in zhCN/zhTW.
- Uniform statements of "items" in zhCN/zhTW.
- Uniform statements of "object" in zhCN/zhTW.
- Uniform statements of "objective" in zhCN/zhTW.
- Uniform statements of "objectives" in zhCN/zhTW.
- Uniform statements of "objects" in zhCN/zhTW.
- Updated quest 432.
- Updated quest 433.
- Updated strings for Cataclysm
@BreakBB, @anon1231823, @chun-chi Hung, @cheeq, @anon1231823
General Fixes
- Show on Map will now also work in dungeons
Quest Fixes
- Added "Knight Time"
- Added "The Missing Knight"
- Added "Valor Grows by Daring"
- Added SoD version of "Ramaladni's Icy Grasp"
- Added catch-up versions of "Never at Rest"
- Added objective locations for "Never at Rest"
- Adjust finisher for Extinguishing the Idol
- Adjusted faction requirements for several quests
- Adjusted levels for New Year Celebrations!
- Fixed exclusivity for From the Belly of the Beast
- Fixed starter for "Cracked Necrotic Crystal"
- Initial Hillsbrad Foothills quests cata
- Quest fixes for Scarlet Monastery cata
- Quest fixes for Silverpine Forest cata
- Quest fixes for The Deadmines cata
- Quest fixes for The Stockade cata
- Removed wrong exclusiveTo for Preserving the Barrens
- SFK should show NPCs for alliance cata
- SFK should show NPCs for horde cata
- Show "Investigate the Scourge of X" quests in SoD
- Silithus quest fixes alliance cata
- The Deadmines should show NPCs for horde cata
- Un'Goro Crater quests alliance cata
Database Fixes
- Added more BFD spawns cata
- Added source for "Orders from the High General"
- Addes spawns for Ragefire Chasm NPCs cata
- Cleanup nonexistent quests for alliance old continents cata
- Improved sources for "Monstrous Silithid Chitin"
- Improved sources of "Monstrous Silithid Chitin"
- Prepared fake map ids for era dungeons in cata
- Spawn coords for various NPCs/objects in BFD cata
- The Lunar Festival Elders should show in old dungeons too
- Updated SoD P7 items
- Use correct name for Stratholme map
Localization Fixes
- Strings for Hillsbrad
- Updated Chinese translations
- Updated Taiwanese translations
@BreakBB, @Cabro, @anon1231823, @chun-chi Hung
New Features
- Added support for XPerl target frame
General Fixes
- Further reduce error printing for quests no yet in the Questie database
- Improved Questie initialization to wait for game cache to be valid
Quest Fixes
- Added new SoD version of "The Lord of Blackrock"
- Added new level 60 version of "A Full Shipment"
- Added repeatable version of "Curious Karazhan Curios!"
- Adjusted tooltip for Siege Tank Rescue
- Adjusted tooltips for Ready the Ground Troops, Beating the Market
- Corrected prequests for Everything But the Kitchen Sink
- Hide "The Lord of Blackrock" on Anniversary servers till P3
- Love is in the Air 2025 fixes
- Marked "Never at Rest" as repeatable
- Max level for Crushing the Crown (80)
- Quest fixes for Winterspring alliance cata
- Tanaris quest fixes alliance cata
- Updated quest info for several quests in TH
Database Fixes
- Adjusted dates for Love is in the Air
- Adjusted mailboxes in Orgrimmar cata
- Adjusted mailboxes in Stormwind cata
- Improved sources for "Deadwind Cage "Key""
General Fixes
- Chinese clients should now also see Barbers at minimap menu
- Reduce error printing for quests not yet in the Questie database
Quest Fixes
- Added "Scarlet Activities"
- Added "The Violet Satchel"
- Added SoD version of "Argent Dawn Gloves"
- Added SoD version of "Blessed Wizard Oil"
- Added SoD version of "Consecrated Sharpening Stones"
- Added SoD version of "Faint Necrotic Crystal"
- Adjusted prequest for The Voice of Lo'Gosh
- Adjusted starter NPCs for Strange Life Forces
- Fixed race requirement for SoD version of "Cracked Necrotic Crystal"
- Updated SoD NPCs
- Updated SoD objects
Database Fixes
- Added Karazhan Crypts location
- Removed wrong npcflag from several NPCs on classic
- Updated patrol path for Brumeran
New Features
- Added Barber, Arcane Reforger and Transmogrifier to minimap menu
Quest Fixes
- Added "Are You Afraid of the Dark?"
- Added "Curious Karazhan Curios!"
- Added "For Gold and Glory!"
- Added "No Ordinary Shadows"
- Added "Seeking Survivors"
- Added "Testing Our Hypothesis"
- Added "The Hypothesis"
- Added "To the Rescue"
- Added first version of "Never at Rest"
- Added tooltips for The Stuff of Legends
- Adjusted prequests for Claim Korthun's End, Secure Seabrush
- Adjusted prequests for Honor and Privilege, Paint it Black, A Vision of Twilight, Everything But the Kitchen Sink
- Learning to Leave and Return: the Magical Way has no prequest
- Show "Light's Hope Chapel" in SoD
- Vengeful Heart, Vortex no longer have prequests
Database Fixes
- Added one more spawn for Twilight Candidate
- Fixed some exclusivity cases for various quests
- Updated spawn coords for Hallegosa, Dragon Discs,
- Updated spawns for Dragonwrath, Tarecgosa's Rest
General Fixes
- Correctly disable clustering for objects objectives when clustering setting is set to a low value
- Fixed Journey search showing "Unknown Zone" for some NPCs
- Fixed Tracker scrollbar showing up for Cata
- Fixed potential init error when Questie pop up is closed too fast
Quest Fixes
- Hide "The Heart of Hakkar" till P4 on Anniversary realsm
- Hide some Naxx SoD P7 quests
- Initial quest fixes Lunar Festival 2025
- Marked "The Heart of Hakkar" as Zul'Gurub quest
- Marked all SoD "Commendation Signets" quests as repeatable
- More Lunar Festival fixes
New Features
- Complete rewrite of auto accept/turn in
General Fixes
- Finally add Cheeq and TechnoHunter to the authors list - Thanks for all your work! <3
- Fixed error when scrolling Tracker in combat
Quest Fixes
- Added Horde version of "One Commendation Signet" for Argent dawn in SoD
- Added SoD versions of "Armaments of Battle" quests
- Added SoD versions of "The Only Song I Know..."
- Added first SoD version of the Scourge Invasion quests
- An Invitation, of Sorts... and Darkness Calling will show on map
- Dustwallow Marsh quest fixes
- Felwood quest fixes alliance
- Feralas quest fixes for alliance cata
- Fixed pre quests for "Alliance Relations"
- Marked "Breastplate of the Chromatic Flight" as non-repeatable
- Marked "Legplates of the Chromatic Defier" as non-repeatable
- Marked "Shadows of Doom" as non-repeatable
- Removed nextquestinchain for the starter human class quests
- Thousand Needles quest fixes alliance
Database Fixes
- The Forlorn Spire, Into the Fire won't be autoaccepted anymore
- Updated NPCs for Felwood
- Updated SoD NPCs for P7
- Updated SoD items for P7
- Updated coords for Halegosa
Localization Fixes
- Added lots of improvements for Questie UI translations in esES/esMX/frFR/ptBR/ruRU (#6846)
- Added the last few missing koKR UI translations (Thanks @yooniedapooh)
- Added translation for "Automatically accept trivial (low-level) quests from NPCs."
- Fixed description translation of "Tracker Growth Direction" option
- Fixed description translation of "Unique Minimap Icon Colors" option
- More updates
- More updates
General Fixes
- Actually fix map icons not correctly updating on level up
- Added workaround for edge case about Blizzards spaghetti API
- Correctly handle Quests by Zone re-open when class was lastly selected
- Fixed DebugOffer also working in instances
- Fixed possible desync when accepting/turning in quests shortly before/after level up
Quest Fixes
- Added "Hope Begins in the Dark"
- Added "Laid to Rest"
- Added "Seal the Deal"
- Added SoD version of "The Fall of Kel'Thuzad"
- Added another NPC id for Murder Was The Case That They Gave Me
- Adjusted exclusivity Report to the Labor Captain, Beyond Durotar, Warchief's Command: Azshara!
- Adjusted prequest for Riding On
- Adjusted quest category for Alignment, Heart of Flame
- Fixed objectives for "Essence of Fire"
- Fixed old ZG quests so they don't cause errors for those who still have them in quest log
- Fixed prequest for Marsh Frog Legs
- Fixed race requirements for "Heart of Flame"
- Hide EPL PvP quests till P6
- Improved objectives of "A Foul Interference"
- Improved objectives of "Alignment"
- Improved objectives of "Essence of Frost"
- Initial quest fixes for Southern Barrens
- More quest fixes for Southern Barrens alliance
- Removed tooltip for "Portals of the Legion"
Database Fixes
- Added "Impounded Goods"
- Adjusted dates for Lunar Festival 2025
- Fixed location of "Magical Stone"
- Fixed location of "Primordial Flame"
- Improved sources for "Monstrous Silithid Chitin"
- Improved sources for "Spiked Silithid Chitin"
- Improved spawns of "Kalecgos"
- Updated SoD NPCs and add first patch of P7 ones
- Updated SoD items and add first patch of P7 ones
- Updated coords for Kalecgos
- Updated coords for Mordant Grimsby
Localization Fixes
- Greatly streamline and improve (UI) translations
- Re-add some translations that went missing in the last update